Ernest Ward FFA Students Bring Ag To Bratt Elementary Classrooms

April 11, 2008


FFA students from Ernest Ward Middle School brought ag to the classroom at Bratt Elementary School Thursday morning.

FFA members Devin Bell, Harley Caraway, Wes Chancery, Tyler Hester, Dustin Parker, and Lydia Weaver participated in Florida Ag in the Classroom at Bratt.

These students read “These Florida Farms” to the third and fourth graders. The FFA members also spoke with the fifth graders about their future attendance at Ernest Ward Middle School.

Florida Agriculture Literacy Day is an annual event held each spring in which hundreds of agriculture industry representatives read a designated children’s book about agriculture in elementary school classrooms around the state.

The event is a partnership between Florida Agriculture in the Classroom, Inc. and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Pictured above and below: Ernest Ward FFA students participated in Florida Ag in the Classroom at Bratt Elementary School on Thursday. Principal Sheryl Pomeroy joined the EWMS ag students. Submitted photos. (Scroll down for additional photos.)







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