Commissioner Speaks Out Against Awarding Contract To Firm Suing County

April 4, 2008

District 5 Commissioner Kevin White spoke out against awarding over a quarter million dollars in two contracts to Roads, Inc. Thursday night, saying he had a problem spending money with a firm that is currently suing the county.

Roads, Inc. sued the county after the county rovoked their storm water permit that being used to build a nine acre catfish pond in Cantonment. The county had previously shut down the dig, claiming that it was a “borrow pit” for road construction rather than a pond.

The commission’s agenda Thursday night included a $126,126 bid by Roads, Inc. for “Blue Pit Drainage Improvements” in the Cantonment area. The next lowest bidder was Panhandle Grading and Paving at $135,595.

Roads, Inc. was the lower bidder on a second project, improvements to Ziglar Road near Kingsfiled road, at $136,126. The next low bid was $159,795 by Chadbourne Construction.

“I have a hard time awarding a contract to a vendor that is suing this county over an issue they created themselves,” White said.

“I agree with you in that spirit, Commissioner White, that I have heartburn with people coming in here and continuing to business in this county when in fact they are costing the county money, but the law does not allow them not to,” Commissioner Gene Valentino said. “Even though I have the heartburn that Commissioner White has over their performance on the catfish pond, I definitely cannot deny them the rights to proceeds here.”

The motion to award the contracts to Roads, Inc. passed 3-1 with White voting against and Commissioner Grover Robinson absent.


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