Incumbent White Leads Fund Raising For District 5 Escambia Commission Seat

April 16, 2008

Incumbent District 5 Commissioner Kevin White has outpaced his opponents in fund raising so far, raising almost twice the money of the four other candidates combined.

Since his campaign began, White has received $36,715 in cash and in-kind contributions. He had spent $5,200.63 as of March 31.

Republican White reported $2,560 in contributions from January 1 until March 31. He reported $4,768.93 in expenditures during the same period, with most of that money ($4,696.65) going for campaign signs. Other funds were spent by the Republican candidate on bank charges and campaign literature.

Republican candidate Chris Washler had received $5,442.72 in cash and in-kind contributions by the end of March. He had spent most of his funds, $4,330.73. His spending on campaign marketing was a bit more diverse than the other candidates in the race. He bought signs ($1,203.75) like most candidates. But he also spent $797.88 for a website to be designed and hosted, $1,000 for a campaign consultant and $882.75 for literature design and printing.

Democratic challenger John Hartman had a total of $11,097 in cash and in-kind contributions by March 31. He had spend about half that money, $5,290.37, during that same period.

During the most recent reporting period of January 1 to March 31, Hartman raised the bulk of his funds, $9,917.94. During that time, he spent $5,046.73. A majority of that, $3,847.16, was spent on signs and related materials.

Republican Packy Mitchell reported $4020.00 in cash and in-kind contributions and $209.63 in expenditures. The $209.63 was spent on magnetic signs.

Democrat Georgette Harris listed a single contribution to her campaign from herself in the amount of $200. She spent $42.64 on bank checks and petition copies.

Republican Randall McCrackin reported that he had no income and no expenditures during the first quarter of this year. That brings his total contributions and total expenditures during his campaign to exactly zero.

Click here for Kevin White’s first quarter financial report.

Click here for Chris Washler’s first quarter financial report.

Click here for John Hartman’s first quarter financial report.

Click here for Packy Michell’s first quarter financial report.

vClick here for Georgette Harris’ first quarter financial report.

Click here for Randall McCrackin’s first quarter financial report.

Coming later this week on We will take a look at the finance reports for the other District 5 races.


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