Northview Television Students Take Top Honors At State Competition

March 27, 2008


Rock, paper scissors. That’s how the major decisions are made before shows are taped at NTV — Northview Television at Bratt’s Northview High School.

When visited Sascha Blackburn’s television production class Wednesday morning, the students were playing rock, paper scissors to decide who would run sound, who would anchor and who would do the other jobs needed to produce the announcement program to air early Wednesday afternoon on the school’s closed circuit television station.

“That is how they make their decisions,” Blackburn said. “It may seem a bit odd, but it usually works.”

The decisions for the Florida Scholastic Press Association were perhaps a bit easier in a recent competition that saw three of Northview’s TV production students receiving high honors for news segments.

ntv26.jpgPhillip Mayhair and Olivia Bryan’s (pictured left) broadcast segments were rated “All Florida”. Josh Holder received a rating of “Excellent” on his piece. The “All Florida” rating goes to segments that demonstrate the best of high school journalism across the board, while the “Excellent” rating is just a small notch below.

Mayhair’s segment was on the recent Major James Ross Memorial Run, a “package” that Mayhair said he enjoyed producing in his television production class taught by Blackburn.

“This is something I have always enjoyed,” he said. “Mrs. Blackburn has taught us a lot this year about making packages, so I give a lot of credit to Mrs. Blackburn.”

Holder’s entry in the FSPA competition was on Northview football star Nakita Myles.

“I enjoyed doing it because it allowed me to talk to someone I don’t normally speak to,” Holder said. He has enjoyed the television production class so much that he plans to continue broadcast studies in college, with the ultimate goal of becoming a weather person. But not just any weather person.

“I want to be one of those people that goes around and reports from inside the storms,” he said, “like those guys that stand out in the hurricanes.”

Brown’s All Florida award piece was about a high school radio program that she and other students do on Tuesday afternoons on WNSI in Atmore.

“I was interesting doing a story that I was part of, “Brown said. “It was difficult to do the story and get footage of myself.”

“Television is nice creative outlet,” she said. “It is nice to make something and express creativity.” She said she plans to major in marketing with a minor in communications when she gets to college.

Click here for more photos from Northview Television.

Pictured above: Northview television production teacher Sascha Blackburn (left), Eric Ickeringill and Phillip Mayhair work in the control room to produce the announcement show on Northview Television. Pictured below: Cody Parker (left) and Josh Holder play a game of rock, paper, scissors to determine who would go first in reading the announcements Wednesday on NTV’s announcement show. photos, click to enlarge.



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