Northview High Class of 2012 Visits Campus

March 25, 2008

The Northview High School Class of 2012 had the opportunity to check out the school Monday night as the school held an orientation for next year’s freshman class.

nhsorient01.jpgFor incoming freshmen Elizabeth Wright, the move from Ernest Ward Middle School to Northview High School won’t be as huge of a step as for some. She played with the Northview Tribal Beat marching band this past year, so she already has friends at the school.

“I’m super excited to be going here,” Elizabeth (pictured left, click to enlarge) said. “There’s a huge band trip in the summer, and then I can’t wait to play at the football games.”

She plans to take band (“I would die without the band,” she says) and yearbook as her electives. She will be the only freshman on the yearbook staff.

When asked was she’s most afraid of about her freshman year, she said “The wideness of the hallways. It is just so big and wide and open here compared to Ernest Ward.”

nhsorient03.jpgFor incoming freshman Lydia Weaver, her freshman year nervousness involves not being able to find her classes on time.

Lydia is looking forward to getting to Northview and taking part in FFA. She is this year’s president of the Ernest Ward FFA, and many of her old friends are in the Northview FFA.

“I look forward to going to school with all of my FFA friends that are already here,” she said of attending Northview in the fall. For her elective, Lydia plans to take a PE class. Lynda is pictured on the left looking on as her mom Cheryl Weaver talks to Northview FFA President Andrea Byars.

Various departments, clubs and teachers setup displays Monday night in the main halls of the Northview campus to illustrate the educational and extracurricular opportunities available to next year’s freshmen class. Parents and students had the opportunity to visit with teachers, administration and staff during the orientation.

Pictured below, from the left: Northview Tribal Beat band members Elizabeth Wright, Drum Major Jeremy Halteman, Colton Sims, Tabitha Steege and Lania Eubanks. Wright was at Northview Monday night for incoming freshman orientation. Click photo to enlarge.



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