Investigative Series Part Five: The Positive Comments About Allied Waste

March 14, 2008

Today, continues our seven part investigative series looking at Allied Waste and their service to the citizens of the North Escambia area. We will take a look at Allied’s service through comments both good and bad from dozens of Allied customers. And we will learn where our representative on the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority, Larry Walker, and the ECUA stand on Allied Waste service in North Escambia.

In today’s installment of this series, we will take a look at the documented positive comments about Allied’s service. On Saturday, we plan to have a response from Allied Waste officials. On Sunday, we will end the series with a wrap-up and a blog. asked Walker to provide the positive comments he has received about Allied Waste. In the North Escambia area, north of Quintette Road, he could find three:

  1. John Killam, Buck Smith Rd., reported no problems with Allied in July 2007.
  2. Leroy White of Byrneville reported that his service was good in June 2007.
  3. Bonnie King of Molino reported no problem with Allied in May 2007.

“These exhaust my list of people living north of Quintette Rd whom I have in my files as praising Allied,” Walker wrote in an email response to “There are more, further south, including one caller who sang Allied’s praises while forgetting to mention that she worked for Allied.”

In an email obtained by, Walker discusses one customer’s satisfaction with other members of ECUA. Those customers, identified only as Pat and Joan of the 3100 block of Byron Place in Cantonment, wrote the following in an email to Allied’s corporate office in Arizona:

We do not know who covers waste pickup in Glenmoor Trail (Cantonment, Fl) but this particular individual is the nicest, most courteous, considerate and professional we have had the pleasure of experiencing. Examples: he does not hesitate to upright overturned trash bins, (no matter how bad the weather is outside;) he displays concern for the safety of a homeowner trying to toss a late trash bag directly into the truck and will get out to assist the homeowner;) he has waited until a homeowner backs out of their driveway so as not to delay them (already late for work;) he is mindfully cautious of children or a loose stray in the street;) and the list goes on.

This type of demeanor is seldom acknowledge but always expected. We would like to compliment you and staff, particularly this individual, who reflects the integrity and social mindedness of their company. He’s more of a neighbor than a hired sanitation engineer. You are to be congratulated. So should he. Please convey our thanks, as well as the thanks of all the neighbors in Glenmoor Trail who appreciate him and the staff who assist us.

Your Chance to Be Heard

If you would like to add your comments about Allied Waste’s service (good or bad) in North Escambia, email your comments to Please include your name and your address. In our story, will will only use the area in which you live (such as “the 13000 block of Highway 97″) and will not print your name. You can also send photographs of your can to the email address. We will feature more reader comments on Sunday, the final day of this series.

Also, Larry Walker of the ECUA had requested that readers contact him with their comments, whether good or bad, about Allied Waste by email to or by phone at 723-6094. Note that emails sent to the address would be public record under Florida law (this does not apply to emails sent to the address in the paragraph above).

To read part one of this series from Monday, click here, for background information.
To read part two of this series from Tuesday, click here.
To read part three of this series from Wednesday, click here.
To read part four of this series from Thursday, click here.


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