Home Invasion Reported Late Wednesday Night In Century

March 27, 2008

homeinv.jpgThe Escambia County Sheriff’s Department is investigating a home invasion that took place in Century late Wednesday night.

Just before midnight, five white males forced their way into a home on Alger Road east of North Century Boulevard. The five males knocked at the door, and when the resident answered, three of them entered the home while two held down the victim, according to Sgt. Shedrick Johnson of the sheriff’s department.

“They roughed the guy up a little bit,” Johnson said, but his injuries were “just some minor scrapes” and were not severe.

The three that entered the house “were looking for things”, and they took some prescription medication,” Johnson said. They suspects were believed to have fled the residence on foot. Multiple deputies were on scene just minutes after the home invasion was reported.

Tracking dogs from the Century Correctional Institute were brought in to aid in the search, as was the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department helicopter. The helicopter was reported to have landed in the Whataburger parking lot on North Century Boulevard for a short time just after midnight.

The tracking dogs lost the suspects’ scent near a service station on North Century Boulevard, the sergeant said, and it is believed that they fled the area in vehicle.

“The victim had an idea who they may be,” Johnson said. The investigation is continuing.


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