FCAT Round Two Began Tuesday Morning

March 11, 2008

Round two of this year’s FCAT testing began Tuesday morning in schools across North Escambia. Students in grades three through 10 will take the reading and math portions this week. Grades five, eight, and 10 will also take the science portion.

In a recent newsletter sent home to parents, Bratt Elementary offered several tips for parents and students for the all important FCAT test:

1. Get a good night’s sleep before the test. Staying up late at night increases anxiety, which interferes with clear thinking.
2. Eat for success. A hearty breakfast with seven to ten grams of fiber will keep your child from getting jittery from a sugar high or, later, bottoming out when the insulin goes up.
3. Relax. If your child is nervous, he may forget what he knows. Stretching and/or breathing deeply helps to focus the mind.
4. Wear Comfortable clothes. If your child is comfortable, he will be less distracted and better able to focus on the tasks given.
5. Drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water will help keep the body hydrated and alert.

Additional tips offered by Molino Park Elementary include:

1. Take your time so you can do your best.
2. Read directions carefully. Underline key words.
3. Look in your text for the answers and underline.
4. Check over your work when completed.

Students are not permitted to have any electronic device on their person or within reach during the test that reproduces, transmits, calculates or records. Prohibited items include cellphones. Any student who violates this policy will have his FCAT test invalidated.

Pictured above: Students at Byrneville Elementary School take part in a recent FCAT preparation session.


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