County Considers Millions In Funding Cuts, Lake Stone Funding Gone
March 21, 2008
Escambia Commissioners have identified about $10.5 million of a needed $12 million in budget cuts, including funding for Lake Stone near Century.
The county had funded Lake Stone (pictured above) to the tune of $23,472 last year, and they had ranked it at number 34 on a list of 78 county departments. But during a budget workshop Wednesday, the commission decided to cut the funding and allow it to become self-supporting.
Other items considered by the commission to cut costs:
- continue a hiring freeze on roughly 100 vacant positions
- pay for some capital outlay projects on credit to make more funds available in the current budget
- form a committee to decide if about a half million a year that goes to the Pensacola Area Chamber of Commerce and the Pensacola Escambia Development Commission for job development could actually be done cheaper by the county
- eliminate three positions from the county’s human resources department, outsourcing the work
- county parks and recreation events must make enough from their fees or they would be cut
- inmate labor will be used for park maintenance such as mowing
- suspend county employee tuition reimbursement
- cut an assistant county administrator position and its office aide, saving $210,823
- consider early retirement buyouts
- cut the $115,000 for the Human Relations Commission that hears fair housing complaints
- cut the county’s Merit System Protection Board from $126,225 to $35,000 per year. The board exists to provide civil service employees a way to air work grievances, but the board has never heard a case.