Banker To Students: Humility Is Key For Business Success

March 27, 2008


Do your best, and do it always. That was the message that Rob Faircloth, senior vice president of the First National Bank and Trust of Atmore, gave Future Business Leaders of America students at Northview High School on Wednesday.

“Somebody is watching you in business all the time,” Faircloth told the group. “Don’t miss the opportunity to do a good job all the time.”

Leadership, integrity, responsibility, determination, personality, courage, dedication and commitment were just some of the qualities the students said were needed to be successful in business.

faircloth11.jpgFaircloth (pictured left) added “humility” to the list.

He had two students, Ashley Snow and Katelyn Roley (pictured top of page) role play a situation were one was an obnoxious customer and the other was working behind the counter of a popular fast food restaurant.

“If you are working behind that counter, if they have a dollar, they can humiliate you,” Faircloth said. “You will be humbled by somebody; you will have to perform will humility.”

Urgency is also important in business, he told the FBLA students.

“There is competition everywhere,” he said. “If you don’t have a sense of urgency, somebody else will take your business.

Pictured above: Rob Faircloth, senior vice president of the First National Bank of Atmore, FBLA President Ashley Snow and Katelyn Roley role play a humiliating business situation. Pictured below (scroll down to see all photos): FBLA students listen to Faircloth Wednesday.





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