Abundant Life Youth Win Awards At Recent District Competition

March 26, 2008



Several youth from Abundant Life Assembly in Century won awards recently at the 2008 District Fine Arts Festival in Marianna. Victoria Creamer, pictured left, received a Superior rating with an invitation to the national competition in for her vocal solo. She also received superior ratings for her digital photography and for “Human Video-Large”.

abunlife3.jpg Angel Mitchell, pictured left, received the following awards: Human Video-Large: Superior; Vocal Solo-Superior; Puppetry Solo- Superior; Short Story- Superior; and Children’s Book- Superior.

Zach Ingram received the awards: T-Shirt design: Superior with invitation to nationals, and Human Video-Large: Superior. Cody Black was awarded Human Video-Large: Superior. Bo Ingram was awarded Digital Photography: Superior with invitation to nationals and Human Video-Large: Superior. Nikki Bradley was awarded Poetry- Superior.

Those that received superior ratings with invitation will advance to Nationals in August. The National Fine Arts festival will be in Charlotte, NC.

Pictured top: Victoria Creamer, Zach Ingram, Cody Black, Angel Mitchell and Bo Ingram. Pictured below,: Brittany Evans, Victoria Creamer, Brooke Calloway, Angel Mitchell and Zach Ingram at the competition. Submitted photos.



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