The Race Is On: Who Will Be Northview’s Fastest Typist?

February 14, 2008


Students at Northview High School are participating in National FBLA Week this week. Thursday they have the opportunity to take a timed typing test for the title of Northview’s fastest typist. The keyboard race will actually be played all day during individual classes. Interested students will key a passage using a program that records their keyboarding speed and errors.

Results from the day’s events will be available after all the students have taken the test and results are tabulated.

Pictured above: Eric Ickeringill and Mark Shipps take the timed typing test Thursday morning at Northview. Below: Raven Knapp (left photo) and Alisha Copeland (middle photo) participate in the keyboard race. Right photo: Students in Mrs. Annie Gilmore’s first period class participated in the FBLA week timed typing race. Click any photo to enlarge. photos.

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