School Board Votes On Fall Break; Approves Compromise Calendar

February 20, 2008

The Escambia County School Board took the middle ground on a school calendar for the 2008-2009 school year at their Tuesday night meeting.

There were two proposals on the table. One option includes eliminating fall break, which would put middle and high school semester exams before the Christmas holiday.

The other option would keep fall break, forcing middle and high school students to take semester exams when they return to school after the long Christmas break. Fall break would be the three days prior to the Thanksgiving holiday, giving students a full week out of school the last week of November.

But the board went with a compromise third option; one that will turn the Thanksgiving break into a three day holiday and put semester exams before the Christmas break for middle and high schools students.

2008-2009 Escambia School Calendar

  • August 18: First day of school
  • Fall break & Thanksgiving: November 26-28
  • Christmas break: December 22-January 5
  • Spring break: April 6-10
  • Last day of school: May 29

Board member Jeff Bergosh was the only vote against the proposal. He said liked the idea of the five day fall break.

In other business related to North Escambia schools, the board approved the appointment of Lisa Albritton as teacher at Bratt Elementary, effective 1/25/08 and approved the purhcase of new floor covering for Bratt Elementary.


One Response to “School Board Votes On Fall Break; Approves Compromise Calendar”

  1. SHEILAH COOK on November 2nd, 2008 2:13 pm

    I know that I speak as a mother, but we are our children grounding into their heads get an education Mon-Fri; then they are cleaning yard and catch up chores on Saturday with a little room to roam that evening; then church on Sunday. I may not speak for all but i would like a full week with my son. Family need to have that time to bond and summer time can not do it all.