Rev. Fil Enfinger Retires After 38 Years In Ministry

February 3, 2008


The retiring Rev. Fil Enfinger and his wife Mary were honored with a reception Saturday at Ray’s Chapel Baptist Church in Bogia. Enfinger has been in the ministry for 38 years.

He first spent three years and eight months at Ray’s Chapel, beginning in 1970. Then he pastored Cottage Hill Baptist Church for 24 years. Then he returned to Ray’s Chapel doing “pulpit supply”–just filling in on a temporary basis. He’s been back at Ray’s Chapel for 10 years.

“I love to preach,” Rev. Enfinger told Saturday afternoon, surrounded by church members, family and friends. “It’s been a good ministry.”

“There have been a lot of baptisms over the years. The Lord has truly blessed,” Rev. Enfinger said.

When asked about the funniest thing that ever happened during the 38 years, he started to tell a story. But his wife Mary interrupted with a “you can’t tell that one” kind of look. So we got the Kleenex wedding story instead.

“I was doing this wedding one time with a young couple. Just as they played the song for me to go out, I got this bad nose bleed,” he said. Acting quickly, he grabbed Kleenex and stuffed them into his nose to stop the bleed. “I did this entire wedding with the Kleenex hanging out of my nose.”

The Rev. and Mrs. Enfinger were honored with a reception and video slide show Saturday afternoon at Ray’s Chapel.

And the best part of the 38 years? “Getting to serve the Lord,” Rev. Enfinger said. “It’s all about Him.”

Click here for a complete photo gallery from Saturday’s reception Rev. Phil and Mary Enfinger at Ray’s Chapel Baptist Church.


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