Century Care Center Parties Again

February 13, 2008

cccparty03.jpgThe residents at the Century Care Center attended another party Tuesday. This time, they enjoyed “The Belles of Saint Rose”, a group of old time “flappers”.

One of the residents stated “it brought back memories of the days we used to dance and listen to those songs.” Many expressed similar feelings. Our residents truly enjoyed the performance, and that is what counts. Our thanks to “The Belles of Saint Rose”, said Mae Hildreth, volunteer coordinator.

The term “flapper” was coined in the 1920’s to refer to a “new breed” of young women who wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to the new Jazz music, and flaunted their disdain for what was then considered acceptable behavior, according to the Wikipedia.

Photos courtesy Mae Hildreth. Click to enlarge.

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