Walnut Hill Water Works Fails To Meet Monitoring Requirements

January 17, 2008

whwatertwr.jpgThe Walnut Hill Water Works failed to meet monitoring requirements for total coliform bacteria in November, according to a posted public notice.

But that does mean the water is unsafe to drink. The water company properly tested the water in December, and it was found safe to drink.

“Due to an operator oversight, the proper number of samples was not collected (in November),” the public notice says.” The proper sampling procedures have been reviewed in order to avoid monitoring and reporting violations in the future. The required samples for the next compliance period have already been collected and were absent of total coliform bacteria.”

Total coliform bacteria are generally not harmful themselves. Coliforms are bacteria that are naturally present in the environment and are used as an indicator that other, potentially harmful, bacteria, may be present,” according to the notice.

For more information, call (850) 675-4521.

The Walnut Hill Water Works is operated by the Escambia River Electric Cooperative, Inc.


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