NWE Little League Registration Begins Saturday In Walnut Hill
January 31, 2008
Registration for Northwest Escambia Little League baseball begins Saturday at Bradberry Park in Walnut Hill.
Registration will be held from 10 a.m until noon each Saturday through February 16 at the league’s field house. The cost is $35 for the first child from a family, $25 for the second child and free for each additional child. A copy of each child’s birth certificate is required for registration, along with with three proofs of residency, such as a utility bill, drivers license or voter registration card.
For more information, call 327-6722 or 327-6155 after five p.m.
NorthEscambia.com is looking for people to help us with stats and photos from NWE play this year. If you are interested, use our contact form to let us know.