McCain, Clinton Win Florida Vote

January 29, 2008

Sen John McCain came out the big winner in Florida’s Republican Primary Tuesday, and Sen. Hillary Clinton was on top in the Democratic contest.

McCain becomes the national front-runner after sweeping 36 percent of the vote in Florida. Mitt Romney finished strong in second place with 30 percent of the Republican vote. Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee nearly tied for third place. Giuliani picked up 14.5 percent of the vote, while Huckabee received 13.5%.

McCain was the top vote getter in Escambia County. See the chart below for a look at how Escambia County voted.

On the Democratic side, Sen. Hillary Clinton picked up a huge win with about 50 percent of the vote. Barack Obama garnered almost 33 percent of the vote. John Edwards finished a distant third with 14.4 percent of the vote.

In Escambia county, Obama picked up 42 percent of the Democratic vote. See the chart below for a look at how Escambia County voted.



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