Carver Century Holds Vocabulary Word Parade

January 19, 2008


The students at Carver Century Elementary School paraded as some of their favorite vocabulary words Friday, all in continued preparation for the FCAT and school improvement.

The Pre-K to grade 8 school was a Florida grade “F” school last year, but the teachers and staff have set out under the leadership of Principal Jeff Garthwaite to change that this year.

Part of their plan is to make learning fun, and that’s exactly what they did Friday with their vocabulary word parade. Children and teachers alike dressed as, or otherwise represented some of their top vocabulary words.

“A pig is an animal that says ‘oink, oink’,” said one Pre-K student. “Corn is a vegetable that grows on a farm,” said another. “A rooster is a chicken that says ‘cock-a-doodle-dooooo’,” another said.

The vocabulary words continued with Mr. Reeves dressed as a “zookeeper, that takes care of wild and tame animals”. There were special appearances by “purple”, “yellow” and “red”.

One little fellow named William had the word money. “My name is William, give me the money!” he said to the delight of the other students.

Compound words were popular. Birthday, basketball, dragonfly, popcorn, cupcake, football, handbag, hairbrush, grasshopper and ladybug were among the favorite compound words.

One person, perhaps a teacher or staff member, was “incognito” and remained unidentified (pictured above).

Principal Garthwaite’s word? “Motivate”…the entire reason for Friday’s vocabulary parade at Carver Century.



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