Temps Are Warming; North Escambia Residents Speak Out About the Cold

January 4, 2008


Saturday. Partly sunny and 68. Up to 78 on Monday. Now that just sounds better doesn’t it?

After overnight lows in the teens, the coldest they have been in over five years, many North Escambia residents are ready for a return to our normal Florida winter. Over the past few days, we asked NorthEscambia.com readers to comment about this week’s frigid weather. Here’s a sampling of what you had to say:

  • “I’m just ready for it to be normal…a sweater in the morning and shirt sleeves in the afternoon,” said Mark in Bogia.
  • “This has been bad for us kids out of school,” said Kate from Molino. “I bet it warms up when we go back (to school) next week.”
  • “I thought this was Florida, not Alaska,” said Mike from Walnut Hill. “I don’t have the money to heat my house like this. It’s an old house, and it is real expensive to heat.”
  • “I like it,” said Joseph from Molino. “I used to live up north, and I missed it.”
  • “I’m freezin!” said Chad from Century.
  • “It really hurt walking outside,” said Suzanne from McDavid. “It really hurt my face walking in that kind of cold wind. I just don’t like that.”
  • “I wish it has been this cold for Christmas,” said Hazel from Walnut Hill. “It needed to be this cold, and it needed to snow for Christmas.”
  • “I hope it gets cold enough, for long enough, to kill off some of those blasted mosquitos that have been about to drive us crazy,” said Rene from Atmore. “Seems the last few years it didn’t get cold enough for any length of time to do any good.”

What do you think of this cold weather? What precautions did you take? What problems did you have? We’d love to hear your comments at NorthEscambia.com for possible addition to this story. Click here to fill our our contact form, or email us at news@northescambia.com. Please let us know what community you are in when you contact us.


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