A Look At How Your Local Precinct Voted: Republican

January 30, 2008

Among the North Escambia precincts, John McCain was at the top with Republicans with 36.5 percent of the vote. Mike Huckabee finished at a strong second with 35.5 percent of the vote. Mitt Romney received 20.4 percent, Ron Paul 4.5 percent and Rudy Giuliani 3.1 percent of the vote in North Escambia precincts. For the purpose of this article, we are including all precincts in Escambia County from Molino north. Here’s a precinct by precinct breakdown of yesterday’s North Escambia Republican vote:

Bratt First Baptist Church:

  • Giuliani: 1
  • Huckabee: 64
  • McCain: 33
  • Paul: 3
  • Romney: 13

Century City Hall:

  • Giuliani: 3
  • Huckabee: 25
  • McCain: 34
  • Paul: 4
  • Romney: 18

McDavid Vol Fire Department:

  • Giuliani: 2
  • Huckabee: 40
  • McCain: 41
  • Paul: 6
  • Romney: 24

Molino Vol Fire Department:

  • Giuliani: 34
  • Huckabee: 300
  • McCain: 324
  • Paul: 49
  • Romney: 215

Oak Grove Baptist Church:

  • Giuliani: 9
  • Huckabee: 33
  • McCain: 32
  • Paul: 1
  • Romney: 15

Walnut Hill Community Center:

  • Giuliani: 1
  • Huckabee: 107
  • McCain: 122
  • Paul: 10
  • Romney: 42


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