Campaigning In Walnut Hill

January 29, 2008


Seven year old Hannah Mascaro received a lesson in American politics Tuesday on Florida’s Primary Day. Hannah and her mom, Kerra Mascaro of Walnut Hill, were out early near the Walnut Hill polling place supporting their candidate, Republican Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is “about the constitution,” Hannah said when asked why she wanted to be out with her mom. The home-schooled student was holding a hand-lettered sign that read “Less Freedom? More safety? Lose both. Vote Ron Paul”.

Passers-by honked in support as Kerra said she was proud to stand by Highway 97 in front of the Walnut Hill Community Center (also known as the Walnut Hill Ruritan Building) in support of Paul.

“He has a message of freedom, a return to the constitution and a message of freedom,” she said. “Ron Paul has a sound monetary policy, and I support his ideas of defending our borders, not policing the world.”

Most of the latest polls show Paul with just three to four percent support among likely Florida voters today. When asked Kerra how she felt about sign waving for a candidate so far down in the polls, she said “a lot of people like what he says. But they think voting for him would be wasting their vote since he is down (in the polls). But the only way they can waste their vote is to not vote.”

“He’s not getting equal coverage in the big media,” Kerra said. “They make his supporters look bad.” will have complete election coverage from across the North Escambia area today, and we’ll have complete results tonight.

Pictured above: Hannah (left) and Kerra Mascaro wave signs in support of Republican candidate Ron Paul outside the Walnut Hill polling place at the Walnut Hill Community Center Monday morning.


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