the road to the crown Part Five

January 19, 2008

Today, it’s part five of our five part series “the road to the crown”. All week, we have been following 25 young ladies at Northview High School in their quest for the crown and the title of “Miss Northview High School” for 2008.

The pageant was Saturday night. For complete pageant coverage, including photos and the winner’s list, click here.

A few years ago, there were only eight girls in the pageant. Tonight, there are 25 and the requirements are tougher. A good GPA; no major referrals, suspensions or in-school suspensions; and no fines owed to the school are all required.

The pageant is sponsored by the Northview High School Cheerleaders as a fund raiser. Pageant coordinator Anna Barry is the cheerleader sponsor. She has spent countless hours preparing for the pageant, coaching the girls to be their best.

We’ve posted more photos today from several different rehearsals. Some are in black and white so we can show them to you without spoiling the excitement of seeing the gowns in their colorful splendor Saturday night. Plus we thought the black and white was just cool looking. See the latest photo gallery by clicking here.

Join us here at Sunday morning to find out who the new Miss Northview High School is, and for a complete photo gallery from Saturday night’s pageant.

Tonight there will be a top ten and then five finalist from which a winner will be named. After watching the girls for several practices, we think they are all winners. Even though they have all been in competition for the crown, they have been friends. We did not see or hear anything mean spirited. Just a group of girls acting like a good family should, supporting each other on “the road to the crown”.

Click here to read part one of this series from Tuesday.

Click here to read part two of this series from Wednesday.

Click here to view part three of this series from Thursday.

Click here to view part four of this series from Friday.


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