Thursday Night Thunderstorms Hit North Escambia, One Injured In Rollover Accident

January 31, 2008

weather0131.jpgFast moving thunderstorms caused relatively few problem across North Escambia Thursday night. The line of showers began moving through the area before 6:00 and had cleared the North Escambia area by 11:00.

One person was seriously injured in an accident during the storms, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. A single vehicle rollover accident was reported outside Century on Highway 4 near Lake Stone just after 8:00. At least one person, who had to be extricated from the vehicle, was injured. Further details were not available from the Florida Highway Patrol late Thursday night. Fire departments from Century, Flomaton, McDavid and Molino were dispatched to the scene.

The entire area was put under a tornado watch until 11:00, but that watch was canceled about 45 minutes early. A severe thunderstorm warning and a flash flood warning were both issue during the evening.

Minor street flooding was report throughout the area. There were also reports of scattered power outages.

Carver/Century Gives Away Hundreds Of Dollars, Holds FCAT Cash Grab

January 31, 2008


“The more you learn, the more you earn,” has been Carver/Century School Principal Jeff Garthwaite’s repeated phrase to his students the past few weeks. And Thursday, he “showed them the money”.The school held a cash grab awarding cash to deserving students who made FCAT gains from the September 2007 FCAT Simulation to the December 2007 FCAT Simulation.

The students’ hard work literally paid off Thursday. From gold dollar coins, to $2 bills to envelopes containing $20, students earned for learning.

Patsy Green, a retired Carver/Century teacher, awarded cash to the students on behalf of the Alger-Sullivan Historical Society.

cashgrab03.jpg“I made a promise to you last year in my homeroom that if you made an improvement on the FCAT you will get money,” she told excited middle school students.

She awarded cash ranging for $5 to $20 per student for not only high FCAT scores, but for simply making “adequately yearly progress” on the FCAT simulation. That meant that even low-scoring students that showed some improvement would walk away with money.

Rev. Carter from the Pilgrim Lodge Baptist Church and a former guidance counselor at Carver Middle School told the students “That is what education is all about. You get some rewards today, but you get rewards the rest of your life.”

He urged student to turn off their televisions and spend that time reading.

“After you watch TV for an hour, close your eyes and see what you got out of that,” Carter said. “Then read a book, close your eyes and see what you learned.”

“Your life is in you hands,” the reverend said. “You can make it anything you want it to be.”

That sentiment was echoed by Jewel Cannada-Wynn, a Pensacola city council member and a former Carver student. She is also the dean at Escambia High School in Pensacola.

jewel-cannada-wynn.jpg“I grew up in Century, and I am proud of my hometown,” Cannada-Wynn told the students (pictured left, click to enlarge). She told them it was possible for a Carver/Century student to work hard and become anything that they want to be in their adult life.

She told the student that they “have the power”, and encouraged them to associate only with other students that “have the power”.

Three students were randomly picked for the “cash grab”. They were allowed to grab all the coins they could hold in one hand from bowls containing either nickels, dimes or quarters.

Garthwaite promised the students that another cash grab would happen later in the year after the FCAT tests in the spring.

The money for the school’s cash grab was from the Foundation for Excellence in Education, a non-profit corporation committed to enhancing the quality of public education in Escambia County by encouraging innovation and excellence in the classroom.

Carver/Century was rated as an “F” school by the State of Florida last year. Wednesday’s cash grab activity is one of many steps the school has taken in an attempt to encourage students to prepare for the FCAT and improve the “F”.


Tragedy In Walnut Hill: A Memorial Message Board

January 31, 2008

Danny Marlow, 40, his 2-year old son Drew Marlow and Joyce McGahan, 70, died as a result of a tragic accident on Highway 97 south of Walnut Hill on January 28. Mrs. McGahan has a lot of family in the area. Danny and his wife operated a daycare in Davisville; she’s a third grade teacher at Bratt Elementary. Click here to read the accident story.

Our community is saddened by this horrible accident. It has touched the lives of many.

We at express our deepest sympathy to the families of the Marlows and of Mrs. McGahan. We also would like to express our gratitude to the rescue workers and volunteers that were at the scene Monday afternoon.

Early that Monday evening, our readers began to send us emails with comments about the victims. We established this Memorial Message Board for Danny, Drew and Joyce. We have now closed this message board, but the messages received are below.


  • We are praying for you, and your loss is more than we can comprehend. However, our Heavenly Father feels and knows your pain. Only He can heal your broken hearts. You are in our thoughts and prayers. –Linda & Charles, Atmore, AL
  • I do not know any of the families involved I just want them to know my thoughts and Prayers are with them at this horrible time.I hope they can oneday find peace.I know it can’t bring them back but my compassion and support is there. –Gina, Pensacola, FL
  • Words cannot express our deepest sympathies for the losses you have all suffered. We had the great privilege to know and work for and with Danny, Richard and Carolyn. We could not have asked for a finer family to introduce us to the area. Danny was a great friend and we know how much he and Drew will be missed by all whose lives they touched. Cindy, we keep you close to our hearts. We moved away a couple of years ago, but we will always remember the great kindness and compassion the Marlow family showed to us. They are a truly humble, Christian family who set the example we could only hope to follow. We want all who read this to know how sadly we send this message and we will always keep Danny and Drew, and the Marlow family in our hearts and our prayers. Again, we are so truly sorry for your loss, and keep you all in our hearts and prayers. Our Love, –Larry, Tracie (and the Girls), Buchanan, GA
  • I am so sorry for your loss.. –Christy, Pensacola, FL
  • Cameron and the entire Marlow family, just wanted you to know we are thinking of you and if we can do anything at all please let us know. –Donna, Mike, Danielle and Randy, Cantonment, FL
  • We are going to miss Danny and Drew so much … I really can’t find the words right now . If ya’ll need anything please let us know. We are praying for all of you. –Abbie, Molino, FL
  • To the families of these dear ones: The love of God is the most powerful force in the world… our prayer is that you feel His Powerful Presence constantly… we are praying daily for all of you … our hearts are broken with yours. –Johnny and Ruth, Flomaton, AL
  • To both families…I am truly sorry for your loss.I pray that God will heal you all. To Mrs. Marlow, my son is in your class at Bratt, Chris, and he is really sad to hear that this has happened. He loves you and thinks the world of you. He is praying for you also. May God be with you and your family during this difficult time. –Annie & Chris, Century, FL
  • To Richard, Carolyn, Hunter, Cindy, Angie and all of the family: Just wanted you guys to know that I am praying for you. Danny was such a great person and fun to be around. My thoughts and prayers and with each of you.–Jodi, Pace, FL
  • I had the privilege of getting to know the Marlow’s through NWE Learning Center. They are some of the sweetest Christians you’ll ever meet. Drew, I sure will miss you little buddy! I remember you trying to walk on the tile floor in the center. It sure was so funny! You made my heart smile so. Cindy, I love you; Chad and I are praying for you and your family. –Barbara, McDavid, FL
  • I was only one of the people that stopped that afternoon at the scene of this tragic accident..If only I could have done something… Such a feeling of total helplessness.As one other viewer stated.. We should be most grateful to those first responders..What they must go through…My thoughts are with all those loved ones left behind. –Pat, Bratt, FL
  • I learned of the accident from a friend of mine in Atmore, Al. I am very sorry for both families loss. May God give them strength to get through this very painful time. –Royce, Milton, FL
  • Cindy, I am so very sorry for your loss, I cannot even begin to imagine the pain you are going thru right now. I have 3 boys & my 2 little ones told me that he taught them in Sunday school. You are in my thoughts & prayers. –Jennifer, Bratt, FL
  • I am praying for Cindi and her family at this times as they have prayed for me and my family MANY times. –Tracey, Cantonment, FL
  • Hunter, Our hearts are breaking with you. Cole thinks of you as one of his very best friends and it meant the world to him to be able to spend time with you Tuesday night. We all love you and are praying for YOU and your family. If you ever need us or if you need ANYTHING – we are here for you. Please know that you are never alone. –Roger, Angela, Cole and Chase, Molino, FL
  • Just wanted to say how sorry our family is for these families lost.I didn’t know the families but my son which is a UPS driver(Toby Grice) knew Richard Marlowe and spoke of what a friendly and great guy he was. Just wanted to tell the families we will pray for their strength at their time of loss. –Theresa, Cantonment, FL
  • This accident has touched the hearts of all of us at Ernest Ward Middle School. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Hunter because he is a part of us and to the whole family. Know that we are praying for the Lord to wrap His arms around you and comfort you as you go through this and always in the future. –Brenda, Ernest Ward Middle School, Walnut Hill, FL
  • My thoughts and prayers go out to the Marlow and Pope families during this time. We know God does answer prayer and he never deserts us in our time of need. –Heather, Jay, FL
  • God Bless Both Families, Life is so fragile I just lost my son, you all are in my prayers Look to him in this time of loss My Heart is so full of love for all of you. –Virginia, Pensacola, FL
  • My heartfelt prayers for the family and friends of all 3 victims. After 16 years as a firefighter/EMT it is always gut wrenching when a child is involved. Please remember the Emergency Service personnel and Law Enforcement who had to witness this traggic accident, they too need your prayers. –JT, Mississippi
  • This is such a tragic event, my heart goes out to both families. Just try to remember that God will not give us more that we are able to bear. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this time. –Sarah, Milton, FL
  • Danny was a good friend, this is such a tragic loss. I know that he and Drew are in Heaven and I’ll see them again one day. Cindy, you and in our prayers, may God give you peace to get threw this. Dylan sends his love and wanted you to know he misses you. God bless –Alex, Felicia, Billy, Dylan, Walnut Hill, FL
  • Our hearts go out to the whole family. Hunter we want you to know that we love you and we are here for whatever you need. –Rigby’s, Molino, FL
  • I love ya’ll and am so sorry. I miss Drew so much! I am praying for all of you! –Ashley, Bratt, FL
  • I heard about the wreck from my sister, who worked for Cindy Marlow, as soon as I got off the bus. I was SHOCKED because it seemed like just yesterday I was playing around with Drew, and talking to Danny at the hunting camp. We all have you in our prayers Marlow family, at home, school, church, and even the Hunting camp. –Hunter, Atmore, AL
  • I only knew Danny for a little while when we both went to church together but never got the chance to meet his son, Drew. I pray that God will comfort his family during this tragic time. I did not ever meet Joyce but pray that God will comfort her family as well. God is the great comforter and will bring you through this tragic time if you trust in him. –Mike, Cantonment, FL
  • To the Marlow Family-We are Christine’s Grandparent’s and we just want you to know that you are all in our prayers. --Mike & Gwen, Pace, FL
  • My little boy Logan went to the daycare that the Marlows ran. I’m so sad by this tragic that has happen in our community. Cindy please know that you and your family is in our thoughts and prayers , Logan and Kayla sends their love. We love you all so much. –Skaggs, Century, FL
  • I worked at the daycare Cyndi and Danny owned. I also was very blessed to have watched Drew almost every day. That kid has my heart! He always brought joy to my life. And he could always make me smile! I’m gonna miss you Drew. I will never forget you little buddy. I know your in a better place now and I know we will meet again one day! I love you Drew! My heart goes out to you Mrs. Cyndi. I’m gonna miss working for you. I will definatley be praying for you everyday. I love you –Summer, Atmore, AL
  • Cindy: I am terribly sorry to hear of this. I never met Danny or Drew, but I know you, and I remember when you kept us when we were little. I want you to know that you are in my prayers, and I know God will bring you peace, for now, your two loved ones are with The Lord, waiting to see you again! May God bring you comfort during this time. – Sarah, Cantonment, FL
    Cindy, you have an awesome church family, as you know, that will constantly be lifting you up. I hurt so deeply for you. –Alisa, Atmore, AL
  • I drove past the accident yesterday, on my way to pick up my daughter who plays softball with Magen…It broke my heart, before I even found who was involved in the accident. I hope the family knows how many people are thinking of them and praying for them. I could not even imagine how difficult it would be to loose your spouse and child at the same time. You’re in my prayers! –Renea and family, Molino, FL
  • I am sorry this happened, Uncle Jimmy. Married nearly 50 years and still so in love. Danny was always kind and pleasant. I will be praying for his family as well. –G.M., Cantonment, FL
  • Storms will come in our lives…some are greater than others, yet when the storm of death impales us with it’s cruel pain, we can ONLY turn our eyes toward our Heavenly Father for peace and comfort that He gives and helps friends and family share your sorrow. One of our own is hurting and we hurt with and for you. You are in our prayers. –Susan, Atmore, AL
  • Words cannot express the sorrow that so many of us feel today for your loss. We truly love you and we just want you to know that we are staying in prayer for you. –Patty, Atmore, AL
  • My sweet Drew, I will miss you like crazy. I am so happy to have had the day to spend with you last week. I will forever treasure it. You will always be in my heart. If I could only hear you say “Go home truck?” again. I’d never say “Not today. I have something I have to do”. I am so grateful for every moment I shared with you. This world is a sadder place without your big, sweet, sweet smile. I loved to say I love you, Drew; just so I could hear you say it back. Dale, Dawson, and “KitKat” will miss you, too. Take care, little buddy. You gave us more happiness than you know. I love you, Drew. –Sandy, Walnut Hill, FL
  • My heartfelt sympathies to Cindy and her family. I cannot begin to imagine what she is feeling, but please know that God is with you. We are all praying for you ! –Susan, Atmore, AL
  • To the Marlow family. I am sorry to hear about Danny, and Drew. You are in my prayers and I wish you the best in these hard times. — Chris, Pensacola, FL
  • Cindy, Just know that our whole community is praying for you. We love you and we will help you through this. –Kelly, Molino, FL
  • Though I did not know you may you all rest in peace. I will keep these families in my thoughts and prayers as you all deal with these difficult losses. --Felicia, Arab, Alabama
  • Marlow family, I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Our prayers are with you! God bless & keep you! –Lanatta & family, Pace, FL
  • Uncle Jimmy, Sandy ,Sharon and Glenda, I’m so sorry. Aunt Joyce was a wonderful person. I’m praying for God to help you all through this very difficult time. To the Marlow family, Cindy I’ve prayed for you ever since I heard about the accident. Only the Lord can comfort you and I pray that he will hold you in his loving arms. –Tammy, Tallahassee, FL
  • My Prayers are with the Families of all Three. I to have lost a child in a car accident February 16, 2007. She was 21. I am sorry for your loss. –Nellie, Pace, FL
  • So tragic…words seem so shallow and empty at a time like this. My heart and my prayers are with the family. Only God can bring you the peace, comfort and hope that I struggle to give you. May God be your comfort. Alan, Atmore, AL
  • Cindy & family, I am so very sorry for your loss. May God comfort you during this difficult time. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. –Krystal and family, Bratt, FL
  • Words can’t express how sad I am for you. But I rejoice knowing that Drew is the arms of Jesus this morning. –Hank, Molino, FL
  • Danny was a Christian man, and a great friend. I am praying for both families. –Ashley, Walnut Hill, FL
  • I am heartbroken at your loss. I pray for your comfort and healing. This will be tough time for you, but the Lord will get you through it. –Phil, Walnut Hill, FL
  • I drove past the accident yesterday afternoon. It was horrible. I can’t imagine your sorrow right now. But me and my entire church will be praying for you. God Bless You. –Shelby, Cantonment, FL
  • Joyce was a friend of mine. She was a wonderful lady. I am so sorry for the loss of both families, and life you up in prayer. –Mary, Pensacola, FL
  • I have a little boy that is almost two. It’s taken me a few hours to get the courage and strength to send this email. I just cry when I think about it. I just can’t imagine losing my child and my husband and trying to understand why. Drew was the sweetest little guy. He always seemed so happy. I know he is happy this morning again in heaven. My heart is broken. But God will heal. He will be there for you. Cindy, I love you. –Unknown, Walnut Hill, FL.

School Superintendent Paul Enters Not Guilty Plea

January 31, 2008

Superintendent of the Escambia County Schools, Jim Paul, has entered a plea of not guilty to a Pinellas County DUI charge.

According to court documents obtained by, Paul’s attorney Frank Russo entered the plea on Paul’s behalf.

Paul was arrested January 10 near Clearwater, FL, and charged with DUI after his blood alcohol level was tested at 0.128. The legal limit in Florida is 0.08. Deputies said they spotted Paul’s rental car speeding and “weaving dramatically”.

“I didn’t feel in anyway that I was unable to drive,” he told in an exclusive interview on January 11, just one day after his arrest. “But I’m sure everybody says that who’s had drinks and gets behind the wheel of a car.”

“There is no excuse, there’s no rational explanation for what happened. I did something that was against the law. And it was nobody’s fault but my own,” was Paul’s opening statement in his exclusive interview. Click here to hear this comment from Paul in mp3 format.

Paul’s trial is set for 8:30 Eastern time next Wednesday, February 6 in Pinellas County.

To hear Paul’s complete exclusive interview with, click here.

NWE Little League Registration Begins Saturday In Walnut Hill

January 31, 2008

Registration for Northwest Escambia Little League baseball begins Saturday at Bradberry Park in Walnut Hill.

Registration will be held from 10 a.m until noon each Saturday through February 16 at the league’s field house. The cost is $35 for the first child from a family, $25 for the second child and free for each additional child. A copy of each child’s birth certificate is required for registration, along with with three proofs of residency, such as a utility bill, drivers license or voter registration card.

For more information, call 327-6722 or 327-6155 after five p.m. is looking for people to help us with stats and photos from NWE play this year. If you are interested, use our contact form to let us know.

Citizens Environmental Committe Needs Representative For District 5

January 31, 2008

Escambia County is seeking resumes for consideration of appointment to the Citizens Environmental Committee in districts one and five. Eligible candidates must live within Escambia County but do not necessarily have to live in either of the two districts.

Resumes should be submitted to Escambia County Administration Office, Attn: Rhela Ransom, P.O. Box 1591, Pensacola, FL 32591-1591 by February 8.

For more information, contact the Escambia County Administration Office at 595-4949.

PER Rescues Colt Hanging In Barn

January 31, 2008

percolt.jpgA 5-month-old colt named “Miracle Man” was rescued by Panhandle Equine Rescue Tuesday when he was found suspended from the rafter in an attempt to get it off an injured leg.

“The owner thought she was helping the colt by getting it off of an injured leg. She failed to get proper medical care, so the colt was left alone the majority of the day and all night, hoisted up by ‘come-alongs’ without access to food and water,” said PER President Diane Lowery.

PER investigators received an anonymous tip about Miracle Man in the Cantonment area. The owner contacted a veterinarian at PER’s insistence. But the veterinarian was unable to do a complete exam because the horse’s owner could not afford the needed x-rays, according to Lowery.

The owner voluntarily surrendered the colt to investigators, and he was immediately taken to the veterinarian where he is currently hospitalized. Miracle Man suffered a variety of serious medical problems as a result of hanging from the makeshift sling, she said.

“The attending vet says his life can be saved, but he wouldn’t have lasted another day or two in the conditions he was living in,” Lowery said. “The vet reported to us this morning that he stood on his own all night and is eating and drinking.”

Donations are being accepted to help defray the cost of Miracle Man’s veterinarian bills. Donations can be mailed to Panhandle Equine Rescue, P.O. Box 777, Cantonment, FL. 32533. All donations are tax deductible.

Pictured above: Submitted photo of “Miracle Man”, a 5 month old colt rescued by Panhandle Equine Rescue. Click the photo to enlarge.

WARNING: Some readers may find the enlarged photo to be disturbing.

Two Candidates Qualify for ECUA District 5

January 30, 2008

Two candidates have qualified to run for the Escambia County Utilities Authority in District 5, which includes the entire North Escambia area.

Incumbent Larry Walker of Pensacola qualified as a Republican in the race on Wednesday.

Republican Barry B. Tweedie qualified to run for the seat on Monday.

The ECUA post pays a salary of $32,477 per year plus a $2,400 travel allowance.

A Look At How Your Local Precinct Voted: Republican

January 30, 2008

Among the North Escambia precincts, John McCain was at the top with Republicans with 36.5 percent of the vote. Mike Huckabee finished at a strong second with 35.5 percent of the vote. Mitt Romney received 20.4 percent, Ron Paul 4.5 percent and Rudy Giuliani 3.1 percent of the vote in North Escambia precincts. For the purpose of this article, we are including all precincts in Escambia County from Molino north. Here’s a precinct by precinct breakdown of yesterday’s North Escambia Republican vote:

Bratt First Baptist Church:

  • Giuliani: 1
  • Huckabee: 64
  • McCain: 33
  • Paul: 3
  • Romney: 13

Century City Hall:

  • Giuliani: 3
  • Huckabee: 25
  • McCain: 34
  • Paul: 4
  • Romney: 18

McDavid Vol Fire Department:

  • Giuliani: 2
  • Huckabee: 40
  • McCain: 41
  • Paul: 6
  • Romney: 24

Molino Vol Fire Department:

  • Giuliani: 34
  • Huckabee: 300
  • McCain: 324
  • Paul: 49
  • Romney: 215

Oak Grove Baptist Church:

  • Giuliani: 9
  • Huckabee: 33
  • McCain: 32
  • Paul: 1
  • Romney: 15

Walnut Hill Community Center:

  • Giuliani: 1
  • Huckabee: 107
  • McCain: 122
  • Paul: 10
  • Romney: 42

A Look At How Your Local Precinct Voted: Democratic

January 30, 2008

Among the North Escambia precincts, John Edwards received 44.0 percent of the Democratic vote, Hillary Clinton 41.6 percent and Barack Obama 14.3 percent . For the purpose of this article, we are including all precincts in Escambia County from Molino north. Here’s a precinct by precinct breakdown of yesterday’s North Escambia Democratic vote:

Bratt First Baptist Church:

  • Clinton 27
  • Edwards 48
  • Obama 6

Century City Hall:

  • Clinton 75
  • Edwards 35
  • Obama 117

McDavid Vol Fire Department:

  • Clinton 58
  • Edwards 56
  • Obama 5

Molino Vol Fire Department:

  • Clinton 211
  • Edwards 213
  • Obama 114

Oak Grove Baptist Church:

  • Clinton 21
  • Edwards 51
  • Obama 3

Walnut Hill Community Center:

  • Clinton 57
  • Edwards 72
  • Obama 24

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