Blog: Wow, What A Response

December 20, 2007

Wow. That’s all I can say about your response to the new site.

Over the past few weeks, this site has been averaging over 10,000 page views per day, not including the photo gallery pages. Everywhere I go in the community, people are excited like you just would not believe about this site.

I’ve enjoyed reading all the comment emails and submissions from our contact form. Dozens upon dozens of you have taken the time to comment on the site, letting us know how much you appreciate it. I’ve tried to personally respond to each and every email, but there have been so many I may have missed a few. But rest assured I have read your comments and appreciate them.

It’s been a few weeks now since we quietly launched the site with an announcement at the Walnut Hill Volunteer Fire Department’s annual fish fry. We are grateful to them for letting us do that.

There have been a few stories over the past few weeks we had rather not covered. Two stories in particular…the death of an outstanding deputy in Walnut Hill and the death of a suspect in Century…were not the kind of news we hope to report.

Why do you cover such bad things? I’ve been asked that a couple of times. Simply because they happened here in our community. We’ve got to take the bad with the good. It’s much like that nasty medicine mom would pop into your mouth as a child, sometimes you’ve just got to deal with the bad to make things better.

But hopeful we have shown you what we are all about here at Most of the stories we cover have been the good, positive things that make our community such a great place to live. From community festivals, to school and church events, to Canadian geese hanging out here for the winter…we want to cover the good hometown things here where we live.

We want to know what’s going on in your community here in North Escambia. We can’t be everywhere all the time. Take the time to let us know what is going on.

How can we help? That’s a question I also hear a lot as I meet the good folks of North Escambia. Right now, you can help us in two ways. First, tell everyone you know about the site. It helps us get the word out. Second, as I mentioned before, tell us about things going on in your community, at your church, at your school.

And by the way…if you know of someone that can write, or take pictures, or both that might have the time to help us cover things, let us know. We can’t pay much, if anything, right now, but we’d love to talk.

Thanks again for visiting!



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