Northview Chiefs Pay Tribute To Veterans on Pearl Harbor Day

December 7, 2007

Northview High School paid tribute to area veterans with “Letters from Home”, a special service held Friday morning at the school.


The program featured dramatic reading and interpretation of actual letters written by real people during American wars, taken from Andrew Carroll’s book Grace Under Fire: Letters of Faith in Times of War. It also featured letters written by Northview students to our fighting men and women.

“Without the time you put in, we would not be able to enjoy our freedom,” NHS student Scott Herrington wrote to former soldiers.

“The many sacrifices you made and continue to make encourage those at home,” NHS student Andrea Byars said in her letter to current American soldiers.

A special tribute was also made to Retired Marine Corp Major James Ross, a Northview NJROTC instructor that was killed in an motorcycle accident in late August.


The Northview Chorus, Guitar Ensemble, Tribal Beat Band. theatre program and the school’s ROTC program all participated in the service. Students would read the letters while others acted out scenes from the letters from home.

The service was originally scheduled as a Veteran’s Day service on November 6, but it was postponed due to a lighting problem in the school’s theater. Instead, it was held Friday morning, which was Pearl Harbor Day.

For a complete photo gallery from the program click here.


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