Gospel Concert Scheduled For Saturday In Century

December 6, 2007


“The Big Gospel Concert” will be held Saturday night from 5:00 until 8:00 at the athletic field at the old Century High School. The event will feature gospel choirs, praise teams, gospel rappers and more. Refreshments including popcorn, hot dogs and drinks will also be available.

Admission to the even is $2.00 for ages 11 and up, $1.00 for ages 4-10 and free for children under three. Profits from the event will be matched by the Modern Woodmen of America Camp 16611 in Century.

Money raised by the event will be used for a free Christmas lock-in on the former Century High athletic field from 1:00 to 6:00 on December 22. The lock-in will feature free toys, game, bikes, school supplies, pizza, hot dogs, chicken and drinks.

The lock-in is sponsored by the Modern Woodman of America Camp 16611, New Life Baptist Church of Century, Truth for Youth, Inc., and other local churches and businesses.

Click the picture above to load a larger poster for the event. For more information, call Rev. John Powell at (850) 393-0332 or Rev. Irvin Stallworth at (850) 313-3779.


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