Blog: Merry Christmas Meanderings And Other Toy Package Nightmares

December 25, 2007

I’m not working today, but just taking a break from twist ties and trying to free toys from packages. It should not take 30 minutes to get on Cabbage Patch doll out of a package. Nor should it take stitches. I don’t think any of the wounds are serious enough to require medical attention, but I need need counseling from the emotional trauma of a six year old that just wants her Cabbage Patch YESTERDAY. I’m ready to get out the power tools (think “Tim the Tool Man Taylor”, if you ever saw the show “Home Improvement” years ago). My wife does not think power tools are such a good idea at this point (1) because emergency rooms are not well staffed on Christmas, (2) something about a circular saw near the neck of a doll could scar the children. Go figure.

The shopping was done on time this year. No more searching for something around the house to re-gift at the last moment. I made over three gallons of chocolate sauce to give to family and friends this year; I probably gained three pounds just standing over it on the stove and inhaling. It’s become really popular…just must sell the stuff next year.

Church on Sunday morning, family gifts Sunday afternoon. Monday was a trip to out of town parents. We missed getting to attend a Christmas Eve church service in person, but listened to the live internet streaming from one in Pensacola. “Let your light shine” was his theme, and the music was great. They let their camera guys have the night off (at least for the 11 pm service), so the video with the service was of the security camera in the parking lot scanning back at forth. You could see Davis Highway. There were still way too many people on the road for 12:15 Christmas morning.

Santa arrived at our house about 1:30 Christmas morning. I tried to get some pictures to post here on for you to see, but he was just too lively and quick. It was not a lot this year, but the kids were happy. There’s nothing like the smile on the face of a child.

Christmas day was with family locally. Turkey is good. Chocolate covered nuts. Those are better, at least when consumed in bulk.

I hope you had a Merry Christmas. No “Happy Holidays” here. What’s up with that? Reminds me of a story somebody emailed us this week:

She made it just in time to see Amy’s kindergarten class walk out on stage to sing their song, “Christmas Love”. The children had rehearsed for weeks and those in the front row had practiced holding up large letters, one by one, to spell out the title of the song. As the class would sing “C is for Christmas” a child would hold up the letter C. Then “H is for Happy” and on and on until each child holding up his letter had presented the complete message, “Christmas Love”. The performance was going smoothly, until Amy held up her letter M upside down. She was totally unaware that her letter M appeared as a W. Some of the older children began to snicker at Amy’s mistake, but she had no idea there were laughing at her. So she stood tall, proudly holding her W. Teachers tried to quiet the children’s laughter, but could not. Finally a hush came over the audience when the last letter was raised. Amy’s mother smiled as her eyes filled with tears. In that instant, everyone understood the reason they were there and why we celebrate Christmas. When the last letter was held high, the message read loud and clear: CHRISTWAS LOVE!

Christ Was Love. Christ is Love. Enough said. Merry Christmas!


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