Former Congressman Speaks at Molino Church Veterans Day Service

November 11, 2007


Former U.S. Congressman Earl Hutto was the guest speaker at Highland Baptist Church’s Veterans Day service Sunday morning.

“We have the finest and best trained military in the world,” Hutto told the church. “They are willing to do what it takes to stand against the forces of evil…we are united in the cause of freedom.”

He said it is hard to understand the world we live in today, a world where terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda have no regard for human life. But all veterans and current members of the American military should be honored for their brave service.

“It is good to know we still have wonderful, dedicated men and women that put their lives on the line,” he said, “as we saw three days ago with the funeral of Sgt. Daniel McCall.” McCall, a Pace High School graduate, was laid to rest at Barrancas National Cemetery Thursday after being killed by an improvised explosive device while on patrol October 30 in Iraq.

“We have to hope that when the war is over that it (Iraq) will be a peaceful place,” Hutto said. “We must provide for our brave men and women to get the job done.”

“With the help of God, we will remain the mightiest country in the world,” he told those in attendance at Highland Baptist.

He served eight terms in the United States House of Representatives from 1979 to 1995 as a representative of Florida. He was generally popular during his tenure, running unopposed or winning re-election easily. He did not seek re-election to the One Hundred Fourth Congress that convened in 1995.

“I am grateful for the opportunity you gave me to serve in the U.S. Congress,” he said. “I thank the Lord everyday that I am not there now; it is a shame now because it has become too mean-spirited.”

Dozens of members and guests at Highland Baptist were honored for the military service during the service, many wearing their uniforms (pictured below, click to enlarge). The Veterans Day program included special music, presentation of the flags by a military honor guard, and a Veterans Day related sermon from Pastor Brian Calhoun.



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