the road to the crown Part Two

January 16, 2008


Today we continue with part two of a five part series “the road to the crown”. We are following 25 young ladies at Northview High School in their quest for the crown and the title of “Miss Northview High School” for 2008.

In today’s installment of “the road to the crown”, we’ll introduce you to a few of the girls, and take you behind the scenes at Tuesday afternoon’s pageant practice.

To view behind the scenes photos from Tuesday’s Miss Northview High School pageant practice, click here.

missnhsfront.jpg“Smile,” says Anna Barry, the pageant coordinator. “You’ve got to smile at the judges, and speak into the microphone. The judges don’t know you…you’ve got to make a good impression.” Anna is pictured in our little “the road to the crown graphic” on the left.

Anna has worked with the girls for weeks now, all in preparation for Saturday night’s show. “Keep your head up”, “smile”, “stand like you are proud of yourself”, she tells the girls over and over.

After all, Miss Northview High School is not a beauty pageant. It’s not all about looks. It’s about poise, athletic fitness, public speaking and self worth.

Alisha Holland, a freshman at Northview, agrees.

“I want to prove that you don’t have to be skinny and beautiful to be Miss Northview High School,” Alisha said when asked why she aspires to be Miss Northview High School. The other girls around her applauded her comments.

She said the hardest part of the pageant practices so far has been the physical fitness routines. “It is kind of scary if you don’t have rhythm. But I really enjoy working with the other girls.”

Samantha Merritt, a Northview junior, says she wants a chance at the crown because “Miss Northview sets a good example for the other girls; they look for a role model.”

“I’ve never taken part in anything like the pageant,” said junior Olivia Bryan. “The most frightening part was the first day of practice, being so nervous. But the whole thing has been great.”

Most of the girls will tell that one of the toughest parts of the pageant is picking out the dress. Not just any dress will do. It has to be the perfect dress.

For Olivia, shopping began online. But she ended up finding the perfect dress three states away at a friend’s shop in Louisiana.

front01.jpgBut one girl has an even better story to tell about buying her dress. We at think her dress buying story is unique enough that we are going save it for another day in our series “the road to the crown”. Check back. We’ll post her story either Thursday, Friday or Saturday morning as part of our series.

For the rest of today’s installment, we invite you to visit our behind the scenes photo gallery from Tuesday’s Miss Northview High School pageant by clicking here.

A new installment of “the road to the crown” will be posted each morning until Saturday. Then, on Sunday morning, we’ll introduce you to the new Miss Northview High School.

To view yesterday’s installment of “the road to the crown”, click here.

The annual Miss Northview High School Pageant will be held on Saturday, January 19 at 7:00 in the school auditorium. Admission is $5 per person. Advance tickets are on sale now in the school office. Tickets must be purchased in advance; they will not be available at the door.

All photos on this page are exclusive photos, and can be clicked to enlarge.



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