Cheerleader Home Invasion Victim: ‘I Was Scared”

November 4, 2009


“I was scared.” That’s how the Northview High School cheerleader attacked while she was home alone Tuesday morning describes what happened.

homeinvphone2.jpgThe 16-year victim sent a text message to her mother, Angela McMahan, at 8:13 a.m.  “I guess im paranoid about hearing weird noises,” she wrote of being home alone after her friend was attacked Friday night. She had hurt her shoulder Monday afternoon in cheerleading practice, and had decided to stay home from school Tuesday.

Moments later, her fears became reality.

“I was in the bedroom, and I just heard something,” the victim told She grabbed a container of pepper spray and headed toward the family’s kitchen. Her mother had purchased her the pepper spray on Saturday, the day after a 13-year old middle school cheerleader was attacked in a home invasion about a mile away.

“He was in the kitchen,” she said of the suspect, who she described as being a tall, thin white male dressed in black pants. He had entered the home through a window in a nearby laundry room.


She threw drinking glasses at the intruder, breaking them as they slammed into the kitchen. The suspect grabbed a a broken glass, cutting the victim several times on her arms, legs and face. The wounds were not severe.

“I was in the floor; I tried to ball up kind of,” she said. “And he came after me.”

She fired the pepper spray.

“It missed him the first time,” she said. “It was a straight stream the first time that went to the corner of the kitchen. The next time, it was like a mist, and he like fell back and held his eyes.”

She ran out of the house, and down Nancy Lane to the nearby Highland Baptist Church. Along the way, McMahan said her daughter called her. Her Blackberry showed calls at 8:20, 8:24 and 8:25 a.m.

“I don’t think I have ever ran that fast,” the victim said.

homeinv45.jpg“I told her to just keep running toward the church, that somebody would be there,” McMahan said.

Staff members were meeting at Highland. Some comforted the victim, one called 911 and some went toward the house hoping to capture the suspect. Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies dispatched to the church at 8:27 a.m. They were on scene within minutes, along with Escambia County EMS.

The victim’s wounds were minor; she was not transported to the hospital.

“I couldn’t get to her quick enough,” McMahan said. “I was saying I can’t believe this is happening again. It just happened.”

Pictured above: The attacker in Tuesday morning’s home invasion in Molino entered this Nancy Lane home through this utility room window. Pictured top inset: The cell phone message the victim sent her mother minutes before the attack. Pictured middle inset: The victim received minor cuts to her arms, face and legs from a broken kitchen glass she threw at the suspect. Pictured bottom inset: The victim sends a text message t oa friend to let them know she is OK a few hours after the attack. Pictured below: The victim ran to Highland Baptist Church after the attack. photos, click to enlarge. 



59 Responses to “Cheerleader Home Invasion Victim: ‘I Was Scared””

  1. C. Knowlton on November 8th, 2009 6:27 pm

    Wow! I love the wasp spray idea!! Not as harmful as a gun, but I’m sure it would be pretty painful. This community is on high alert, so hopefully the Sheriff’s Office will be able to bring this to closure very soon.

  2. Mommy of 2 on November 8th, 2009 12:04 am

    Okay, so Molino is supposed to be a close knit area where we all watch out for each other, but instead when two young girls get attacked some people in the community act like fools and doubt what happened. If this had been your child you would not like these comments at all. I am so very disappointed in the things I have read on here. The trouble with telling children how to respond to something like this is that when they report it they have to listen to the crap like what is being posted. And now do we wonder why so many rapes and abuse cases go unreported. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU THAT ARE ACTING LIKE LITTLE KIDS. Pray for these girls and their families to be able to feel safe again.

  3. missinfla on November 6th, 2009 9:39 am

    to those looking for pepper spray last i knew mike gun shop in cantonment carries it

  4. TMolino on November 5th, 2009 7:38 pm

    To Bleh,

    Your coments as stated by another do make you look like an Idiot! The girl had the pepper spray in her pocket. And if you don’t know that the guy is already in the house, you try to grab a phone if their happens to be one close and take the time to locate numbers in a panic to call 911 and then answer all the questions that the dispatch person is going to be asking you while you are trying to find something to fend this person off with or trying to get away. The pepper spray was the way to go, gave her time to get away and call 911. Too bad the creep wasnt caught but he will be.

  5. Tommy Gunn on November 5th, 2009 4:00 pm

    I JUST DON’T BELIEVE WHAT I HAVE JUST READ IN THESE COMMENTS. The only persons knowing what really happened are the two girls, the attacker and the Escambia County Sheriffs Department. How can anyone make some of these comments without knowing the whole story. I think a lot of these comments should not be made until you know the whole story. To me a lot of these comments a fishy. May God be with these girls to help them though this terriable attack and some of these terriable comments some people are making without knowning everything that happened. May God Bless

  6. Molino on November 5th, 2009 3:37 pm

    Whoever suggested a neighbourhood watch program needs to think for a second. Molino isnt like some “big ‘ol city”. Its kinda like Bratt or Walnut Hill in a sense. Alot of spread out houses with several clusters of homes every now and then. Alot of trailers which are easily broken into. A watch program for it is the equivalent of one lock for an entire house.

  7. Escambia County on November 5th, 2009 2:38 pm

    I think anyone who would think these girls would like lie about being attacked is a fool. Now you have two more girls different day and home being attacked…oh but they were ready. All he needed to do was come in the room where the gun was! I think his days are numbered and it will only be a matter of time before the coroners office will be coming to pick him up. Who ever he is, he is crazy and needs some serious help. It’s just a matter of time before the bullet with his name on it connects to his head!

  8. Caryon on November 5th, 2009 10:18 am

    Directed to “A person”

    Yes it would be insane to do such a thing. Problem, THE FACTS, they dont add up, that is not my fault, In every situation there are facts that must be sorted out, and these DO NOT ADD UP, SORRY, not my fault, they are not just a little off, they are WAY OFF, and I’m sure that the detectives on the case are “wiser” than they give them credit for. You can gaurentee they are not being fooled. But I’m sure they are given ALL bennifit of doubt just as they should be, JUST IN CASE.

    Like others and myself have said, this is not a sympathy board, it is a news feed to get to the facts. And no, the “girls” should not be reading it unless they are just “into drama” and just maybe they are.

  9. Lynn on November 5th, 2009 9:53 am

    Instead of attacking each other on this forum, why not take this opportunity to talk to your son/daughter and go over safety tips and rules. They always tell us to talk to our young children, but teens are just as much in danger as the little ones are. The teens are usually the ones out driving alone, going on the internet chats, or like in these cases, home alone.
    If I lived in Molino, I’d sure look into starting a neighborhood watch program for the area. The sheriff’s department usually has someone who will come and give start-up ideas, rules, etc.
    Another concern is the use of pepper spray. There was a post on here from an eleven year old saying she was going to try and get some. I’m all for whatever it takes to protect yourself and your family, but if children are going to use it, please make sure they are properly instructed on how to use it, what to expect when it hits someone else, and the potential dangers of using it improperly.
    My heart goes out to both of these young girls, and it’ll take quite awhile before either of them will be able to rest easy.

  10. The Truth on November 5th, 2009 2:17 am

    Idunno, man is a monster and needs to be stopped. Molino is on alert and the guilty needs to pay for what he has done to these girls.

  11. The Truth on November 5th, 2009 1:54 am

    Anyone wishing to buy pepper spray they have it at Mike’s Gun Shop on Hwy 29 in Pensacola and at Academy Sports on Davis Hwy. Got some the other day for both my son and daughter. You never know what this person may try next. I armed both of my kids.

  12. Read and listen THOROUGHLY! on November 5th, 2009 1:22 am

    The pepper spray was on her nightstand and she thought she has heard something so she grabbed it and put it in her hoodie pocket. She went to the kitchen [you would understand if you have been to her house before] to look out the window and we walked thru the laundry room door. she threw two glasses at him and they had shattered to the floor. he pushed her down and started slashing at her with a piece of broken glass. somewhere she found a window of oppurtunity to pull the pepper spray out and mace him with it! he fell back and she ran for her life.
    Read & listen to everything before stating your opinion. It makes you look like an idiot!

  13. bleh on November 5th, 2009 1:14 am

    Those cuts don’t match what a real attacker would do , if they were after someone right?

    And then the story of the guy knowing her brother and rides to school, just so happens to know she is home, on the day she doesn’t go to school.

    And for this to happen twice, for cheerleaders that don’t go to the same school. It really seems like more than just a random thing.

    Plus she had time, to get pepper spray after the guy was already in the home? Why not just dial 911 once he was in? if she had time to throw a class at this guy humm, odd

    Hope we get the full truth soon

  14. idunno on November 4th, 2009 11:25 pm

    Attn: The Truth; Please don’t refer to the suspect as a man. He, or they are nothing but dirtbag punks!!!! It’s a shame this is happening here or anywhere. I hope they’re caught soon……..I’ll go back to cleaning my guns…….

  15. Henry on November 4th, 2009 9:42 pm

    EVERYONE NEEDS TO CALM DOWN! Do you not realize that something is going on, whether it’s your opinion that is right, or someone elses, something is going on, & all you people can do is argue over it? That’s what’s wrong with the world today, people can’t control themselves. This is getting out of hand, just calm down.

  16. a person on November 4th, 2009 9:34 pm

    I cant belive some of you ppl would think that the girls made this up why would they thats kinda insane if you ask me

  17. Shelby on November 4th, 2009 7:55 pm

    that is to scary

  18. Did it really happen on November 4th, 2009 7:22 pm

    “Freedom of speech is over-rated” I love that, as she enjoys her freedom of speech.

  19. Shelby on November 4th, 2009 6:45 pm

    this is sooo scarry i live down the road from these girls and im only 11 and im soo scared :*( im getting pepper spray.. if i can frind some…….

  20. Kae on November 4th, 2009 6:37 pm

    I don’t know these girls, I am not biased .
    Freedom of Speech is overated, Just because it is your right to state your opinion, doesn’t make it right to pass judgment and make assumptions and come to conclusions about something you have NO knowledge of, some opinions are better left unsaid. No one will walk away after reading some of the trash people are writing on here with a better understanding of what happened. Yes this is a message board, that should be used in a positive way, post your eye witness tips, suspicious activity, don’t post character attacks on these CHILDREN. Why is it that the victims are having to defend themselves?

  21. we will see on November 4th, 2009 6:25 pm

    to MOLINO MOM —- READ SLOWLY WHAT noh8trs has posted

  22. Think First on November 4th, 2009 5:54 pm

    Bingo!!! I have teenagers and their friends (White Black Rich and Poor) are in and out of our house all of the time. I can’t imagine living with mistakenly killing one of them! Get the pepper spray and pray for resoulution. Trust me I’m no panty waste liberal but I believe that God gave us a brain to “Think First”. I can tell you that one of the victims have been in and out of my house, yard and properity at all hours of the day and night along with other kids just to drop in and vist un-announced. All of these bad asses need to cool it and THINK if they are capable. There will be time for tar and feathers once positive idenification is made of the one/ ones responsible.

  23. Did it really happen on November 4th, 2009 5:37 pm

    To all of the people that are telling others to shut up, this is an opinion board not a sympathy card for the alleged victims. People have the right to state their opinion whether liked or not on here .

  24. noh8rs on November 4th, 2009 5:30 pm

    I hope that the ECSO is monitoring this situation. This needs to be resolved and a statement made before someone gets hurt.

    If the ECSO has suspects or whatever, they need to report this.
    There is a sense of panic and arming of families that seems to be going on in Molino. You have got parents telling their kids where the guns are, mad father’s saying they are ready to go out hunting this “intruder”.

    At this point, just imagine a teenage boy walking up to a home to sell magazines or anything innocent, or a man selling insurance, and end up getting hurt or worse due to the state of panic in the community.

    Would this make any person involved become ultimately responsible for that? I think that the ECSO should make an immediate statement as to the progress of these two cases.

  25. S.L.B on November 4th, 2009 5:26 pm

    BOTH LC’s, I am so sorry that your right to feel safe in your own home and in your own bedroom was taken from you without your consent and that you had to experience such a tramatic violation that no child or adult should ever have to experience.

    And then if that wasn’t bad enough, you sit down and read people’s opinions on these blogs that try to make it sound as if you planned it for attention and/or deserved it somehow. How dissapointed and angry this must make ya’ll.

    I think that people sometimes get caught up in trying to figure out things when we feel like were not in control of a bad situation, and we don’t stop to think about how it might sound or who it might hurt during the process.

    I agree with Molino mom and kindly request that everyone chill out with our opinions as I think we have pretty much expressed them all by now. Let’s let our Sherriff’s dept. figure it all out and the community offer the girls love and support.

    Enough is enough!

  26. someone on November 4th, 2009 5:26 pm

    ‘Molino moms’ need to shut up..
    How do they know it is true?
    NOT saying that it isn’t..
    I don’t know what to belive.
    It could be true..
    OR it couldn’t.
    We will all see.

  27. Jamie on November 4th, 2009 5:12 pm

    This ones sounds like it could be true.

  28. Kae on November 4th, 2009 4:44 pm

    It is ridiculous that you people (and you know who YOU are) are writing such garbage~these poor girls were attacked and all “you people” can do is question, doubt, point the finger and “smell something fishy” ! These girls need us as a community to come together and be the eyes and ears of our neighborhoods. I am a mother and my heart goes out to the mothers of these girls, what happened to these girls was life changing and all “you people” can do is pass judgement~ SHAME ON YOU !
    And to the girls~ don’t be ashamed, hold your head up high, cry when you need to, but please talk to someone,you need to know that it will get better, I will pray for you and your family.

  29. Confused on November 4th, 2009 3:46 pm

    seems most of the post are here, but this was on another forum:

    Try to kick a 6′ 4″ guy backwards 3 ft. while lying on your stomach with your hands pinned behind your back…. Oh yeah, don’t forget, he’s the one holding you down..

  30. Freedom on November 4th, 2009 3:42 pm

    Wow! These incidents sure have sparked many comments and many emotions. If you read the stories reported here (without reading any comments), you can see why people are saying something sounds fishy. When I say that, I am not automatically assuming the girls are not telling the truth. From the comments, it seems the girls are telling the truth and are hurting. I am sorry for the two of you and hope that you will be able to find comfort through God. The fishy part may have to do with some young guy or guys wanting to create a “Scream” type movie setting in the little town of Molino. The girls put up a fight, but if this guy came to kill, he would have been more prepared. In my opinion, the two incidents are related, and when everything comes to light, I figure both girls or someone in their family will know the intruder. It seems the intruder had “insider” information. Guess we will wait and see. If you the intruder are reading these posts, I would turn myself in if I were you. You will fair much better in the judicial system than you will if one of these Molino, country dads (or moms) finds you on his own.

  31. Praying 4 U! on November 4th, 2009 3:32 pm

    To all the naysayers…you do not have room to judge these girls! They went through a horrific evernt that I will not wish on anyone! If you think that they shouldn’t be on here reading comments, then you shouldn’t post anything negative! My niece and nephew know both of these girls and my prayers are definitely with them! Unfortunately, this will be with them for the rest of their lives. I hope they seek help in the Lord to get them through this troubling time. God Bless!

  32. molino mom on November 4th, 2009 2:41 pm

    Caryn If this were your daughter you would not be on here doubting “her” story you would be out watching for this creep just as each and everyone of the Molino community will be doing until he is caught. You have no right to doubt or say anything other than support for these girls. You are not their mother and if reading the post and all of the support they are getting on here helps them then so be it and as far as this creep getting caught BEFORE he is shot that doesn’t seem real “fair”….after all these two young ladies will be and are now dealing with this for the rest of their lives so until you stand in their shoes or God forbid your own daughter how about not judge them.

  33. Concerned on November 4th, 2009 2:40 pm

    Ok why would these girls be lying about what happened? They have been thru alot so their going to say what first comes in there mind. Anyways im praying for you gurls!

  34. concerned on November 4th, 2009 2:20 pm

    The girls are blessed to be alive. This could have been alot worse. I believe someone out there, that knows are is aquanited to these girls, knows their ever move. From school to being left home alone. I hope they can find out who this person is and put him through the horrible state of mind that these two little girls are in now. They half to look over the shoulder the rest of their life because of fear. Fear is always going to be with them because of this crime. The guilty patry is still out there some where, and he will be caught, just you wait and see. God bless to all girls and their families, GOD IS STILL IN CHARGE.

  35. caryon on November 4th, 2009 2:16 pm

    LC this is a formum to discus the facts as they are betrayed. If you were my daughter I would make sure you were not reading these post. There is no reason for you to, if you need encouragment they should print some of the encouraging things for you.

    I am only looking at what has been said and hope like every one else to get to the bottom of it before any one else is hurt any any way whether this be true or not. Either way many can be hurt at this point through this. I just pray no one ends up shot coming into a home because of the intense alert every one is on, and if this young man has done this I hope there is intervention before he ends up dead himself. He obviously only is trying to get attention himself and has “in his mind” not tried to REALLY hurt any one. Again, IN HIS MIND, I understand that if this has occured as you say there will be great emotional dammage that you will have to deal with. And also, if that is the case I believe you have a great support group in the Molino area that will help you get through.

  36. caryon on November 4th, 2009 1:53 pm

    @concerned: No Iam not saying that at all. I am saying that if the parents of each girl and this ONE GUY are the ONLY ones who knew they were both home, then evidently he is talking to some one who should be looked into. Because he is OBVIOUSLY the link here, unless the parents are both talking to this same person which I seriously doubt.

  37. NHS and EWMS MOM on November 4th, 2009 1:50 pm


  38. L.C. on November 4th, 2009 1:47 pm

    Neither of us are lieing about what happened! We have no reason to lie. To make things clear the shirt was under me when he was attacking me.MY brother has nothing to do with any of this!! I didn’t “tap” on my neighbors door, you can ask her, I beated as LOUD as I could!! It is people like you that make it hard for me and my friend to get over what happend to us!!! But thanks to everyone that knows it is true and for the prayers and support!!

  39. L.C. on November 4th, 2009 1:41 pm

    Neither of us are lieing! Why would we lie about something that is effecting our life! We are both terrified! My brother has nothing to do with any of this! The shirt was under me when he attcked me so I was able to grab it! And I did bang on my neighbors door!! I was in shock when I first came to her house, then when the cops came I cried like crazy! You can even ask my neighbor, I didn’t “tap” on her door I beated as LOUD as I could! My hands were over my head and he had the knife in one hand and trying to hold me down the other! It is people like you that just make all the worse on me and my friend!!!

  40. concerned Molino parent on November 4th, 2009 12:45 pm

    Caryn, If you are trying to say the brother of the first girl had something to do with this you are sooo wrong.He was at the ballgame with his parents when this took place and at school yesterday.My child knows this boy and he is really tore up that someone would hurt his sister and friend.Go find the real CREEP and leave these girls and their families alone.

  41. caryon on November 4th, 2009 12:32 pm

    RuthAnne, I agree, of course we do not want to be cruel and inconsiderate, but the facts WE ARE getting are NOT adding up. Are we the only ones who use common sence? Even if you are holding your hand over your head, a knife is going to do much more damage than that. And why would you take time to WRAP YOUR HANDS,. you would not, you would frantacally run! And you would BANG on the neighbors door, not “tap” as they have said. Why does that seem to be okay with most of you? Both girls are also connected to the brother of the 13 year old with him being the one who drives 16 year old to school and only one who knew other than her parents she was home. So if it is determined to be true, there will be an inside connection with this boy. Has to be. NO matter how sympathetic you would like to be, you have to look at the FACTS. . Yes, if this was my daughter, I would have the same questions. There are too many cases of “attention getting” among our teens these days.

    If I’m right we have less to worry about for the little town of Molino, and if I’m wrong then I pray these girls can find peace and this guy is caught quickly.

  42. DOGWOOD PARK on November 4th, 2009 12:26 pm

    Just wanted to let these girls know even though I don’t know you or your families. I BELIEVE!!! I am appalled at some of these comments. But the devil will try to attack you from all directions even using other people and thier doubts to cause more doom. So you just hold your head up high. And know Joshua 1:9 The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
    Now I live in Dogwood Park, and I also got a knock on my door (as has been reported in some other cases.) But as of going to the door turning a porch light on, there was no-one there. Just wanted to let other residence know. I didn’t know it has happened to other people until I read it here. I know that it has been happening further up in Molino. But it deffinantly happened to me. Oh yes and I DO have a loaded gun, and pepper spray. Yes I will do what it takes to protect my family. ****
    God be with us all!!!! We will watch out for each other. And pray for those with such doubting minds. These were innocent children for crying out loud.

  43. M on November 4th, 2009 12:08 pm

    These posted comments are fodder for mass hysteria and some are rude. I do have a loaded gun, pepper spray and a “Paralyzer” for personal protection. All these items are great if you are forewarned of an attack, but useless if you are surprised. I learned the basics for personal protection after a home invasion while living in Nigeria. This happened inside a guarded compound @ 3:00 a m. The absolute best protection is an alarm system, including all windows and doors. The cost of the system for me, after installation, is about $35.00 a month. The peace of mind is priceless!

  44. Another Molino Mom on November 4th, 2009 11:54 am

    Wow! Some of you people are unbelievable with your accusations. My son is friends with both of these girls and accusing them of “making up” these stories is just so horrible! The first little girl won’t even come back to her house because she is so afraid. He (the creep) told her (as she was running away from him) that he would be back to “finish the job”. She’s 13 years old for gods sake. She’s still a baby…..
    Are you people crazy-how hurtful can you be? What if this was your daughter or sister-would you still be so cruel? If they had been raped, (which will probably be the next story) would that have made you believe it then? Shame on you!!!
    If you live in Molino-we can help you pack-we don’t need “neighbors” like you. We look out for each other, respect and help each other here……

    To the girls-you two are awesome! Your parents taught you well……you fight with everything in you in a situation like that…and you two did!! We are all so proud of you. You are true Molino girls!!

  45. molino mom on November 4th, 2009 11:46 am

    I wish everyone would do these two girls a favor and if you don’t have anything other than support and words of comfort to offer then get off this post……Their family, friends and community of Molino are standing behind them….and SUPPORT is all they need right now so PLEASE if you can’t post something positive then find something else to do with your time.

  46. Seriously? on November 4th, 2009 10:38 am

    She is experiencing burning from the pepper spray…and for people to think that these girls are making it up is really sad…Their physical injuries aren’t severe, but their mental and emotional injuries are going to have to be dealt with for a long time….

  47. Ruthanne on November 4th, 2009 10:18 am

    I have accidentally sprayed pepper spray before – just barely a spray at all – and we had to clear out of my house for at least an hour. We could not breathe. Did this girl have any effects of the pepper spray herself. If she was able to spray it twice? I know your adrenaline can keep you from feeling the effects of some things, but I don’t know ….something just doesn’t add up.

    Anybody considered that these two girls are making it up together – for attention?

    I apologize if I am wrong – we just may not be getting all the facts, and once we do, then it will make sense………but for now, it does seem fishy.

  48. fyi on November 4th, 2009 10:17 am


  49. Mom of 3 on November 4th, 2009 9:54 am

    I have some pepper spray my husband got for me that has an orange marking agent in it….so if you come to my house “uninvited”, you will be sprayed orange and won’t be hard to miss afterwards!!!!! I am not sure where he got it though. I carry it with me at all times!!

  50. B on November 4th, 2009 9:08 am

    Just be sure to check expiration dates before purchasing!

  51. William on November 4th, 2009 8:58 am

    If you are budget minded with your pepper spray, I know they sell it at Harbor Freight on 9 mile.

  52. S.L.B on November 4th, 2009 8:57 am

    My husband and I purchased pepper spray for our teen age daughter’s protection over the summer while she was driving back and forth to attend PJC. We purchased it at Academy Sports and Outdoors on Davis Hwy. They have several to choose from.

  53. B on November 4th, 2009 8:47 am

    D, Diane Ritchie – I work at a gun store in downtown Pensacola and we sell it there, but you can also find it at sporting goods stores, hunting stores, etc. There are several kinds available but the one I like best is made by Kimber. It has two jets that travel at 90mph, allowing it to penetrate the pores of the skin. It’s painful stuff. There’s also something called Bear Mace that’s available, but it might be harder to find. It’s a big hairspray-sized-can would fully incapacitate an attacker, but I’d not recommend it. The Kimber spray is definitely the way to go!

  54. William on November 4th, 2009 8:23 am

    I want to clarify something, because a few people entered comments about her texting after the attack. I added the fact that she was texting hours after the attack to the photo descriptions; it was about three hours later. I apologize if anyone had the impression from the photos that she was texting her friends immediately after the the attack.

  55. me on November 4th, 2009 8:18 am

    Also try Wasp Spray! It’s cheaper and you can get some that shoots up to 15 feet away.

    May God Bless these girls and continue to protect them. May God also have mercy on these people that are making “hateful” comments. The girls and their families have been through enough and you continue to question their stories.

    You question how she got scratches on the top of her arms – did you not read in the story that she balled up on the floor? Her hands were protecting her head and face!

  56. Diane Ritchie on November 4th, 2009 7:40 am

    I am so glad the girls are safe. It makes me wonder if someone who knew them and knew they were home, perhaps from myspace or facebook messages.

    I’m getting pepper spray today as well, I looked on line and saw that ace hardware may have it – I would call around and check before driving around. Be sure to instruct your children on how to use this – my oldest when she was younger used it as bug spray on the way to her friends home – and called us crying cause it got it her eyes.

  57. Carryon on November 4th, 2009 7:15 am

    I would hope this is settled soon. But after reading the full reports something is really fishy here. How do you get cuts along the top of both arms when wrestling with someone to get away? And if this IS what happened the young man who takes her to school is also brother to the first victim? Im sure Im not the only one thinking somthing is not cosher here.

  58. D on November 4th, 2009 6:05 am

    It’s awesome that this mom took action and went straight out and bought the pepper spray!! Instead of saying, “This probably won’t happen to us”. I would love to know where it can be purchased around here. I had to buy some off the internet about a year ago because I couldn’t find it ANYWHERE locally.

  59. The Truth on November 4th, 2009 2:12 am

    I am glad that both girls in these attacks are safe and I hope this mean person is caught soon. This is a good community and we don’t need a person like this man ruining our community and hurting our daughters.
