Sheriff’s Report Details Friday Night’s Home Invasion

November 4, 2009


An Escambia County Sheriff’s Department report released Tuesday details what happened during a Friday night home invasion and attack on a 13-year old cheerleader.

The victim told Escambia County deputies that she was at home alone in the 7000 block of Molino Road while her parents were at a Northview High School football game. She said she did not attend the game because it was the first day she was able to walk without crutches following knee surgery.

She stated that she was sitting on her bed watching television when she heard a “crumbling” noise. Moments later, an unknown male wearing black pants, a black long sleeve shirt and a black mask with no holes around the eyes entered her room. She described him as being about six feet, four inches tall and speaking with a deep voice. He pushed her onto her bed, where she fell onto her stomach. He held her hands over head .

The victim told deputies that that male had a long serrated edged kitchen knife that he used to cut her hands. The victim then kicked her attacker, sending him stumbling backwards about three feet. She was able to get up form the bed, grab a shirt to wrap her bleeding hands and escape out of her window.

“The male called her by her name and said he would come back and finish the job,” Deputy Jason Mann wrote in his report. The suspect gave chase for a short distance, eventually running away across Highway 95A. The victim continued to a neighbor’s house in the 100 block of Highway 97.

The neighbor told deputies that the victim was”tapping”  at her door about 6 p.m. Friday.

homewindow.jpgDeputy Mann’s report stated that the neighbor “stated that when she opened the door (the victim) was standing with her hands wrapped in a shirt…(she) looked red in the face as if she had been crying or she was about to start crying…(she) started to talk real fast stating ’someone broke in and cut my hands’.”

At the victim’s residence, Deputy Mann stated in his report that he observed a window by the front door open about one to two inches, with the window blind damaged.

“As I made my way through the front door nothing appeared our of place,” he said. He found the knife in the bedroom between the bed and a wall. “As I looked around the bedroom nothing looked to be out of place or disturbed.”

The victim’s mother told deputies that she had left her daughter alone in the locked home about 4:25 Friday afternoon. She said nothing in the house was missing or out of place.

A neighbor told deputies that between 3:30 and 4:00 Friday afternoon, someone rang his doorbell, but by the time he answered, they were gone. He described one as being a white male between six feet and  six foot four inches tall. He could provide no other description.

Deputy Mann said he spoke to an 18-year old male Northview student that “stays at the (victim’s) residence sometimes”. He said that on Thursday afternoon, “two males knocked on the door and when he answered they asked if he had any games or anything they could get from him”. He described the first suspect as a short, chubby Hispanic male with short dark hair and the second suspect as a tall, thin white male with blond hair and a tatoo on his right leg.

The crime scene technician that processed the scene stated that “the presumed point of entry was an unlocked dining room window next to the front door and the knife in question had been identified as having come from the kitchen counter next to the microwave oven”.

“The molding at the bottom of the window was slightly pulled out, but no tool marks were observed,” Wayne Wright, crime scene technician, wrote in his report. He noted that the interior of the residence was clean and orderly, with nothing appearing to be out of place. His reported stated that the knife found in the bedroom appeared to have come from a knife block in the home’s kitchen.

The victim told Wright that the suspect was wearing gloves at the time of the attack. He said that very few fingerprints were located.  Various evidence was collected from the scene, including a DNA sample from the knife.

The report indicates that the first deputy arrived on the scene within one minute after the 911 call from the neighbor’s home.

Pictured top: The hands of Friday night’s 13-year old home invasion victim remained bandaged Tuesday after her attacker cut her with a knife. Pictured inset: The attacker entered the Highway 95A home through this dining room window. photos, click to enlarge.


47 Responses to “Sheriff’s Report Details Friday Night’s Home Invasion”

  1. Unlikely on November 7th, 2009 8:41 pm

    something is not adding up, really i mean come on, why would an attacker cut the top of the girls hands while he was holding her down by her arms? Let alone how? Is he really going to hold her down and be like “im going to barley cut only your hands”

    If this is true im sorry, and i hope this guy gets caught. Something just isn’t adding up correctly, i think these girls should get lie detector test just to be sure….

    The truth will come out either way, people will get what they deserve, justice will be served…..

  2. lakota on November 5th, 2009 6:32 pm

    i new both of them girls ….they aint makin this up ok ! if you dont beleive them then keep your opions to yoursellff we dont need your negative comments … hope both girls are ok … and i was txtin the first girl when this crap all happened ok !!

  3. ewms 8th grader. on November 5th, 2009 5:55 pm

    okay, to you all who thinkv they are “falsifying this” or whatever, thats awful. one of them is one of my bestfriends, and i’ve known her and her family since i was a baby, we’re family almost. she would NEVER in her life do that, no matter WHAT. but of the girls are not that horrid, heck or even close to it. how could you honestly belive that they would do that!

    and to those of you who ay that its impossible to run away withou t crying, well this girl in the story is strong. one of the strongest girls i know. how do you know she wants crying? did it say? no it didnt. so you really need to stop discriminating them, they are not stupid enough to put thereselves through all of this and lie to peoples faces like that.

    i hate to break it to you, but people in molino don’t do that. i know “crime is everywhere.” blah blah blah, that might be true. but i’ve lived in moiono my whole life, and i’m fourtenn. nothing like this ever has happened, so this guy better get caught because i ain’t living through it. i know molino girls, and we DON’T do that, NO MATTER WHAT.

    i loe you guys, and i’m praying for you

  4. Cheer mom on November 5th, 2009 4:19 pm

    FOR EVERYONE i AM THE one who called 911 for the first girl! It was a knock on the door and I was in the shower and didn’t hear her at first! Her hands were not wrapped in ace bandage she had a white t-shirt over them! I am sick and tired of reading these negative comments on here about the girls and there familys! They are hard working familys, who raise there children right! As for the person talking about the grades, L is a honor roll student! Why even talk about stupid stuff like that!! Let these poor girls have some privacy and quit being so negative towards them, I am sick of seeing it! My girls are scared to sleep because of this. If was ur family would u like to see this? I love the first girl as my own daughter and have know the 2nd girl for 4 yrs as she cheers with my child! Thanks for all the readers who support these girls and there familys, they need all the prayers and support they can get!!

  5. Tammie on November 4th, 2009 10:55 pm

    If all this is true, then I am worried. I have a child that gets off the bus right at dark. I don’t usually get home until 5:00 he knows were the gun is and how to use it. Somebody will get hurt if they come up in my house.

  6. CM on November 4th, 2009 10:15 pm

    okay just because these girls got attacked doesnt mean their lives stopped. maybe they are posting things on facebook and myspace because they have friends who are worried and want to make sure they are okay. or maybe they just want to give yall something else to talk about…

  7. Your friend on November 4th, 2009 9:40 pm

    I know u presonally and i know u are more than likely still freaked out and i hope u get over it i will see u later in the week hopefully and u will be in my prays hope u get better!!

  8. curious on November 4th, 2009 9:30 pm

    I am curious about the pictures from the crime scenes. In both cases the blinds are practically destroyed. Did this happen when the intruder was sneaking in the windows? It takes force to do this kind of damage. It just seems that if this person was trying to sneak into the house, why not just move the blinds aside, instead of destroying them. I have had blinds in my house for 20 years. I have raised 3 children and have 4 grandchildren. I know what it takes to do that kind of damage to blinds. This might make more sense if there was an altercation at the window itself, but I have read all victim and police statements and nowhere does it say any type of altercation took place at the point of entry. In fact, the police stated the house was not in dissaray, and the intruder was already in the house before any alteracations took place. Just trying to make sense of this.

  9. DG on November 4th, 2009 7:55 pm

    Ok for anyone who thinks this thing might have been staged, I’ve known the girl who was attacked Friday night and her family for practically my whole life, and if she fought with all her strength she would find some way to get out of the house. Even if this guy is 6′4″ only the victims knows how strong he was. Also, no one knows the intentions of the attacker and if he wanted to do more harm or not. Plus she has plenty of neighbors right there by the house to get to in a matter of seconds. If this does happen again (and I pray it doesn’t) and someone gets hurt worse than this, then all the people who are believing these girls faked this crime are going to feel really bad. I just ask that some people stop blaming the victims for these crimes when they don’t even know half the story. It is hard enough on them right now being scared and paranoid about it happening again. It only makes it tougher on them to here all this critcism they are getting from people that they probably don’t even know.

  10. noh8rs on November 4th, 2009 5:29 pm

    I hope that the ECSO is monitoring this situation. This needs to be resolved and a statement made before someone gets hurt.

    If the ECSO has suspects or whatever, they need to report this.
    There is a sense of panic and arming of families that seems to be going on in Molino. You have got parents telling their kids where the guns are, mad father’s saying they are ready to go out hunting this “intruder”.

    At this point, just imagine a teenage boy walking up to a home to sell magazines or anything innocent, or a man selling insurance, and end up getting hurt or worse due to the state of panic in the community.

    Would this make any person involved become ultimately responsible for that? I think that the ECSO should make an immediate statement as to the progress of these two cases.

  11. justwonderin on November 4th, 2009 5:16 pm

    Brenda,You can call me ignorant all you want.I am a rape survivor,and the last thing on my mind was,texting,posting on the internet,and i darn sure had no ace bandages on my neck or the back of my arms.
    As i stated before,if it is real ,i hope they catch the guy,
    if it’s a hoax,i still believe in a good ole down home alabama butt whooping.

  12. Jamie on November 4th, 2009 5:05 pm

    This all seems very fishy to me..
    Just saying.

  13. me on November 4th, 2009 4:43 pm

    I will say this if it is to be unfounded I am sure our justice system will just give them a slap on the wrist thats what they always do.

  14. E.W. on November 4th, 2009 4:25 pm

    I’m thinking of starting a Panic Room store in Molino.Anyone interested?

  15. JohnMolino on November 4th, 2009 3:33 pm

    Sad, but this story seems to be unraveling as each hour passes.
    Defensive knife wounds never end up wrapped unprofessionally with an Ace like Elastic bandage with no other visible wounds on fingers much less anywhere else?. .. No tendon or nerve damage? The guy was 6′4? Really?

    Trust me on this one, if indeed there exists some guys attacking girls out there, I as a father to two girls would be the first one to volunteer on the hunting party.

  16. atmore on November 4th, 2009 3:00 pm

    i was wondering what was he doing after she kicked him,was he just standing there looking at her grab the shirt-jump out of the window-door.Or did she kick him that hard that he couldnt get up,if so,some one should have seen him stagering down the road unless he jumped into a car.It may have happen but something is not adding up.I am a mother and if this happen to my child,computer,cell phones etc would be off limits until this creep is found.This would avoid info leaking out that did not need to be given.And if this did happen,what was the guy purpose,seem to me just to scare them for what ever reason bc nothing else happen.

  17. Thinking outside the box on November 4th, 2009 2:58 pm

    Wonder what their report cards looked like since Monday was report card day and kids have been known to do some pretty dumb things to avoid facing the music regarding grades. Not saying that is the case here, just another point to ponder…………

  18. caryon on November 4th, 2009 2:39 pm

    Hollywood Calling, lol, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, exactly what I have been posting! I would like to see pics of the top of the girls hands that are wraped……. More cat scratches from the “serated Knife?” I REALLY hate this if it is true, but I REALLY can’t believe the ODDNESS of the stories being told.

  19. K on November 4th, 2009 2:38 pm

    Try to kick a 6′ 4″ guy backwards 3 ft. while lying on your stomach with your hands pinned behind your back…. Oh yeah, don’t forget, he’s the one holding you down..

  20. caryon on November 4th, 2009 2:36 pm

    Noh8rs, Um hm…. very odd isn’t it?

    thinkfirst, AMEN!

    Truely “traumatized” young girls would not be posting such things on facebook & Myspace

    I would think you would even want to delet them and go VERY private on EVERY asspect of your life.

  21. ? on November 4th, 2009 2:28 pm

    I need to give Think first a big AMEN!!!!

  22. Think First on November 4th, 2009 2:21 pm

    Concerned Molino Parent.

    Naive or ignorance of how well those applications are secured with a false sense of security better describes it rather than stupid. If that private setting makes you feel secure go for it. I know better. I have not advocated anyone being punished except for the guilty party. The stupid part starts when the same thing is repeated resulting in an undesired outcome. Think First then react. Not Vice Versa! Agree or not, there is no way my child would be posting on here or anywhere until the issue is resolved.

  23. NHS and EWMS MOM on November 4th, 2009 2:01 pm

    Praying they catch this guy before he hurts someone else

  24. L.C. on November 4th, 2009 1:56 pm

    Neither of us are lieing! For the people that don’t believe, is he going to have to kill someone or seriously hurt them for yall to believe we are not lieing!! We are not trying to get attention! Both of our windows were LOCKED! To make things clear the shirt was under me when he was attacking me! And i dindt “tape” on my neihgbors door, you can even aske her I beated as LOUDLY as I could! It is people like you who make things harder on both of us!

  25. concerned Molino parent on November 4th, 2009 1:46 pm

    think first, no need to be concerned for me,I am not stupid when it comes to keeping my kids safe on the computer . Why should these girls be punished for a crime someone else commited? There is nothing wrong with these girls communicating through myspace or facebook if there sites are set to private.

  26. noh8rs on November 4th, 2009 1:35 pm

    What is it about the pictures of the “blinds” in both of these cases that bothers me so much.
    It looks like someone mangled them.
    It doesn’t look like it would have been like “crumbling” or “weird” noises. From the looks of them I say it would have sounded like someone was “ripping down the blinds”.
    No bruises?

  27. your neighbor on November 4th, 2009 1:20 pm

    Either way. Made-up or True. There’s a problem. Let the PARENTS handle the problem.
    If you think it’s True. Lock-up.
    If you think it’s Made-up. Smile, Pray for the Families and go on about YOUR business.

    I hope you caught that, “YOUR business.
    I sure think it must be terrible to hate a child and family as much as you seem to. Yes I believe everyone knows you can change your call name and it seem like lots and lots of people think the way you do.

    You know this is a place where we GET HELP

  28. givemeabreak on November 4th, 2009 1:13 pm

    it makes no sense unless the girls know they have nothing to fear by posting on myspace and facebook, because the only monsters are the ones made up in their minds…THAT would make sense…

    the girl posting on myspace and facebook just adds one more element that does NOT compute in these cases…

  29. AL on November 4th, 2009 12:58 pm

    concerned – you are banking on a bunch of teenagers not to tell their friends, who will tell THEIR friends everything this kid is posting. I think her folks need to put her under a gag order – no talking about when you are alone or where you are staying online.
    This is a horrible thing and I hope it is resolved quickly – and no matter if the culprit is male or female, they should be punished extensively.

  30. Think First on November 4th, 2009 12:51 pm


    I’m concerned for you. The backdoors are wide open in Myspace, Facebook and I’m willing to bet text messages are flying from cells phones left and right! Common sense would dictate that the parents would fobid access to all types of public domain media until the issue is resolved. Common Sense is not Very Common in this case so it seems!

  31. concerned Molino parent on November 4th, 2009 12:48 pm

    ?. Not if her myspace is blocked and he isn’t a friend.DUH!!

  32. ? on November 4th, 2009 12:43 pm

    My daughter, who knows the 13 yr old can’t understand why she continues to post on face book things like ” First night back home” and ” I can’t go back to school for a week” if she is so scared. My daughter says, “can’t that help this guy find her?” ………………………….

  33. Gator fan on November 4th, 2009 12:26 pm

    Thanks for the updates!

  34. K on November 4th, 2009 11:52 am

    Noh8rs – I believe you are correct! ;o)

  35. caryon on November 4th, 2009 11:46 am

    I do hope Im wrong, And then again maybe were all safer if Im right, but the guy did not even bring his own knife? No force entry in the window? I know that I would not stop to tie my hands up with a shirt while an intruder is supossably trying to get to me, & then you “tap” on neighbors door! no, you run with bleeding hands with everything in you and bang frantically! You say why would they? Sadly there are those young people who like the attention. Im onky responding to what Im seeing. Mom said nothing messed up in home that would have been if there were a struglel. This forum is not to send sympathy to the victims but to get this crime solved and if this happen I feel for them & want this guy caught just like the rest of you.

  36. Concerned on November 4th, 2009 11:40 am

    The girls are blessed to be alive. This could have been alot worse. I believe someone out there, that knows are is aquanited to these girls, knows their ever move. From school to being left home alone. I hope they can find out who this person is and put him through the horrible state of mind that these two little girls are in now. They half to look over the shoulder the rest of their life because of fear. Fear is always going to be with them because of this crime. The guilty patry is still out there some where, and he will be caught, just you wait and see. God bless to all girls and their families, GOD IS STILL IN CHARGE.

  37. noh8rs on November 4th, 2009 11:16 am

    Like I said, STAY TUNED.
    It just don’t add up.

  38. concerned Molino parent on November 4th, 2009 10:49 am

    OMG!! You people are such idiots to think these girls would put themselves through this on purpose. If the 13 yr old had done this to herself why would she have to stay at her grandparents and out of school? What would you do if your child was next? Have some sympathy for the girls and there families. The girls and their families are in our thoughts and prayers.I sure hope they catch this CREEP!

  39. Think First on November 4th, 2009 10:02 am

    Does anyone else find it strange that one of the mothers keep posting things on here along with names of her children? The victims are also caught up in the banter back and forth along with the brother’s comments. I’m sure the situation has them all emotionally charged but worried about what is being said here or giveing the responsible individual/individuals the pleasure of seeing it on display to the world don’t seem well advised to me. It does not matter what is said on here as long as the mirror they look in reflects the truth. Time will prove the facts. I see common sense in not real common!

  40. B on November 4th, 2009 9:32 am

    Okay, I’d like to comment on the fishiness of this. The following and $5 MIGHT get you a cup of coffee at Charbucks, so bear with me.

    There’s no reason to believe that these girls have fabricated this story and unless it’s proven that they have, I feel the community should support them and be diligent about finding who committed the crimes.

    One reason so many crimes (rape, dom violence, molestation, etc.) go undetected/unsolved is because people become afraid to speak out out of embarrassment or for fear the community or their friends and family won’t believe them (i.e., “I can’t imagine Uncle Bill doing that! He’s an upstanding member of the community and his church!!” etc.). If these girls had been raped & actually reported it, how many of you would still feel they were making it up?

    Another reason people are slow to believe such things is the NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) rule: no one wants to believe that such atrocities will happen in their neighborhood. Crime knows no bounds. It’s not contained by zip codes, skin color, family background, what kind of house a person lives in, etc.

    It’s also widely known that children make up stories to garner attention. While that’s true for some situations, intelligent individuals (and I’m sure these girls fall under that category) know that falsifying a police report is a serious offense and punishable by law. Even those that aren’t very intelligent can watch television (CSI:Miami since it deals with this state & most of the laws they reference are actual FL laws) and learn that it’s illegal to cry wolf to the police. The embarrassment and shame alone one would have to deal with after lying to the police & community would stop most people.

    Until proven guilty, I think these girls deserve support from their community and the police. What harm can it do to believe them, even if you don’t think they’re truthful about it? The worst that can happen is the community will be on high alert and more cautious. Safety will be first priority for most people and isn’t that ultimately a good thing?

    (Glean from that what you will.)

  41. atmore on November 4th, 2009 8:57 am

    i agree with hollywood and just wondering.something just isnt right with this

  42. Doubting Thomas on November 4th, 2009 8:42 am

    The story says “The crime scene technician that processed the scene stated that “the presumed point of entry was an UNLOCKED dining room windows next to the front door”

  43. givemeabreak on November 4th, 2009 8:37 am

    I have got to agree…this all sounds like a staged incident to garner attention. What 6′4″ guy is going to let teenage girls get away so easily. BRAVO girls!

  44. Brenda Garrett-McCall on November 4th, 2009 8:36 am

    in response to hollywood and just wonderin,
    unless you have first hand knowledge of what happened to both girls, keep your ignorant opinions to yourself. Our window was not unlocked! This guy broke into both houses. Attacked both girls. And now both girls and families are left with the aftermath. Thanks for all the support from our community, there are always a few exceptions out there.

  45. Molino Resident on November 4th, 2009 8:00 am

    For Hollywood Calling!

    You need to leave comments like that to yourself! I am appalled that you would accuse these victims of these traumatic attacks as self inflicted.

    Do us all a FAVOR and stay off the comment board if you don’t have anything nice to say!!! These poor girls have been through enough and I am a Mom of a NHS Cheerleader and we are all taking this very seriously!

  46. justwonderin on November 4th, 2009 7:58 am

    I have to agree,somethings just don’t ad up.The other girl was texting mom she felt uneasy,just before the attack,yet mom did not tell her to make sure all the windows were closed.Then after the attack ,with police still there,the girl was texting friends? Come on,if i were just attacked the last thing i would do is text my friends.
    And this one had a knee injury,yet she was able to kick a 6 foot tall man off her while laying on her stomach,with her hands over her head,and she got away,with time to wrap her hands,no screaming ,banging on doors? Just to much stuff not adding up here.

    I hope if this was a real attack they catch the guy,but if it is a hoax,someone needs a good old down home alabama butt whooping.

  47. Hollywood calling!! on November 4th, 2009 6:35 am

    These girls have seen one to many “I know what you did last Whenever” movies. These all sounds kind of fishy. The wounds aren’t very convincing. I mean come-on, who gets attacked with a knife and gets “cat scratches” on their arms? What attacker shows up without a weapon and borrows one from the home- only in the movies. Who leaves only certain windows unlocked? An attack and nothing out of place? How can you get away from an attacker, wrap your hand, open a window and jump through the blinds and he didn’t get up and catch you? All this and you weren’t screaming your head off and balling when the neighbor opened the door? I don’t think the Sheriff’s department is buying it girls. Hope you like juvenile hall. What’s next cheerleader bank robbers- o’yea they done that movie too………